So im doing some tire switches and i bought this tire pump with the PSI reader.

    the tires im pumping up are rated for 110 psi max. i got it at about 40 and it feels like the tires are pretty dang full but idk i havent pumped any ties in my life and just wanna make sure they don't blow. Anyone have experience with tie pumping and maybe this pump in particular? could this pump b reading wrong or do tires just take more air then one might xpect without experience?

    by OG_Tal


    1. Awkward_Importance49 on

      A lot of pumps with integrated pressure meters are massively innacurate. The best you can use them for is to get a match in tire pressure front and back. But it probably wont actually be what tbe meter says.

      I have a set of tires that are rated at 110psi. I’m living at my mum’s house as my dad died back in February, so I’m using my dad’s tools and equipment.

      He has a dual barrel car tire pump, a decent one. I forget the brand name but a reputable brand of pump.

      My 110psi tires are fit to explode by the time that pump says they’re at 60psi.

      You either have to set them how you want them and ignore the meter, or buy a little valve pressure testing pen, or go to a fuel station and pay to use the machines whereby you set the pressure you want and it stops inflating when it gets there.

      Those inline meters they put on hand/foot pumps are just a gimmick.

    2. 110 psig isnt really the ‘max’ also. Its the safe max rating. Stick to 60-80 psig per your pump gauge and you will be fine

    3. I wouldn’t pay much attention to the pressure rating, just go by feel. Hardly anyone outside of flatland uses 100+ psi.

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