I like panniers, but the ones I use for groceries are kinda big for daily use. So, I'm always looking for a cute bag for just riding around town.

    I was at goodwill yesterday and saw this backpack for $8.99. It was super cute and had metal hooks on the back, so I thought I'd see if I could repurpose it as a diy pannier.

    I attached it with two leather straps and velcro. I also added a couple zip ties. This morning, i took it on an 18 mile ride. And it did great! It holds so much stuff, and I didn't notice it at all while riding.

    As far as durability, I'm not sure how long this will last. But it was only $9, so I'm not terribly worried. I'm happy with it, and will try to find ways to reinforce the attachments.

    by NerdyAdventurousLife


    1. That’s so cute! And clever. You could cross-post it to r/myog which is mostly for camping and hiking stuff but would be a hit anyway ❤️

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