Hey all,
    I am planning my next bikepacking trip where I'd like to reach New Orleans from Montreal.
    To sketch out my potential route, I've used adventure cycling's map, you can see it on the picture highlighted in white.

    Timing wise, I'm considering leaving in mid-october, aiming to push as far as possible, with a return date towards Christmas.
    Bike wise, I'm on a gravel bike and I'd want to stick to paved roads and smooth unpaved roads for the most part.

    I'm a decent rider, and I can probably do 60-90miles/day without any trouble. I'll be self sufficient (accomodation/food) with a tent and cooking gear.

    Curious to hear your thoughts in general about the potential route and alternative routes. For instance, I think I'd want to do the Allegheny Mountains loop in WV/VA while on the way.

    Any feedback in general is welcome !

    by Ktoulouftagn


    1. Mid October can be pretty chilly in New England, but I suppose you know that being from Quebec. Quite an adventure.

    2. Rhapdodic_Wax11235 on

      If you like hills/climbing-this is the way to go. If it were my ride, I’d avoid TN and KY. I’d either head west and ride down the MS river, or head south and then ride across north FL. Sounds like fun!

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