So I guess this is it, my final destination and the goal of this whole expedition that I sat out for in the start of June 2024.

    Bike from my hometown up through all of Sweden, climb Kebenekaise and get to the most northern point…

    🇸🇪 Treriksröset 📍
    🇺🇸 Three Kingdom Crossing 📍

    It has been quite an adventure with alot of lessons learned.
    Alot of interesting and loving people have I met during my way up to the most northern point of Sweden.

    – * Långa landet falukorv * –

    This is just the start of a whole new adventure though… My way back down Norway hahah C:
    Hope I’ll make it before the snow falls…

    I chose to not document my way back Norway. I wanted to fully be in the experience down that one… Hope you’ll be Okey with that hahah!

    I might have a few photos and/or small videocaptures that I might drop here on the channel though. :))


    I wish to end this by wishing you, the reader of this very interesting discription. All the love and to appreciate your pressentness. 🫶

    #treriksröset #bikepacking #sweden

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