Riga, the capital of Latvia, is a charming city with a rich history. Its Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, boasts stunning medieval architecture, including the iconic St. Peter’s Church and Riga Cathedral. The city is also renowned for its Art Nouveau buildings, which showcase intricate designs and vibrant colors. Riga offers a delightful blend of culture, history, and natural beauty, making it a must-visit destination in the Baltic region.

    DreamWANDR to us means travel but it means so much more. To us it symbolises the intersection of physical travel and worldwide wanderlust with its inherent rejuvenating power with mental travel to a place of beauty, hope, focus and mindfulness like tranquility. It is our IKIGAI – a reason to get out of bed with a spring in your step. Enjoy:)

    Listen to the music on the treadmill, do a virtual run or virtual tour while running/static cycling or simply let this video play in the background while you to focus, study, read or work on your next world changing big project … enjoy DreamWANDRing!

    (Some content created using Google Gemini)

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