I get that it's not exactly fashion, as in a worn garment or accessory but, it is a little way of adding some flair and style to your ride.

    What's your way of adding a little personality to your handlebars? Anyone got anything funky or cool out there?

    *Sorry for the dirty bike and grimy tape, it was dry and dusty on my gravel route today.

    by AnthemWild


    1. enemyofaverage7 on

      Should match your saddle. And unless you’re a pro and have someone to clean or replace it for you, your saddle (and therefore tape also) should be black.

    2. I’ve got Arundel Art Gecko in purple on now with some Supacaz Super Kush in camo on deck for when it’s time

    3. I’ve been using fabric wraps from CrustBikes. I’m a big fan of the material, haven’t seen many other people use them though.

    4. AllOfTheSoundAndFury on

      I had the Portland design works Pizza bar tape, and when that wore out I switched it to some generic Amazon brand iridescent bar tape. 

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