In august 2024 I cycled (alone this time) through Sweden. Starting in Malmö making my way to Kalmar, then on the island of Öland, back on the mainland from Oskarshamn to Trosa, leaving the Baltic sea for Eskilstuna, between the big lakes to Mariestad to finally end in Göteborg.

    I mostly rode on local cycling routes but also on parts of the EV10, a big chunk of the route ’The Sörmland Project’ and connecting it back towards the south on the EuroVelo 7. Adding up to a total of 1773 kilometres on 24 days (with only one full day of rest).

    There’s a lot of options of roads for the cyclist: some amazing gravel trails through woodlands, nice and quiet paved roads along sleepy towns and quite a lot of old train tracks to follow.
    It’s pretty hilly here, nothing too bad or extreme, but some uphill sections caught me almost without breath.

    I left the tent at home and only took a hammock (with bug-net and tarp) to pass the nights. I’ve always wanted to try this and Sweden is the perfect place for it since there are so many trees here! Also the “Allemansrätten” (or the freedom to roam) makes it even easier.
    There are a lot of free-to-use shelters as well, these are mostly in some beautiful places and far away from cars and busy roads, so they are the second option for spending the night in nature for free.

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