Okay so I just bought this for what I believe to be a pretty solid price $1500. I test rode it and it definitely was a little big but didn’t feel too big and the seat won’t go down anymore. I figured I’d just get a smaller post for it or something. The guy just told me it was an XL size but I got it home and realized that inside the stem it says it’s a 62cm…. Which is technically for 6”1’-6”5’ for height. I’m only 5”11’ do you guys think just lowering the seat would make it alright or should I just sell it and get one fitted for my actual size ? Thought I’d see if anyone has been in this boat before I try to get the seat lower.
    Thanks guys

    by taylor_4_sd


    1. You’re about 3 sizes off. You’re gunna have a bad time I think – I’d resell it and try and find one that fits better.

    2. I have a 2019 SL 5 Domane. It’s size 56 and I’m 6’0. There’s no way I could comfortably ride a size 62

    3. ComprehensivePath457 on

      If you feel totally comfortable and safe, then maybe you could keep it…but I can’t really see that happening.

      I’m at 5’11” as well, and there is absolutely no way I’d be able to ride that bike. I doubt I could even stand over the top tube without my tender bits resting on it. 

    4. On top of the fact that the reach will forever be too long no matter what you do, this bike isn’t one you can just use a smaller seat post. They do make two sizes of seat mast caps but not enough difference to make of for this discrepancy. Similar to a few other commenters I’m 5’11” and ride a 56. I can make a 58 work but prefer the 56.

      Sell it and hope to make your money back and take it as a learning experience. Road bike sizing is more particular than a hybrid or mtb. You could get away with an XL hybrid but I would put this bike in the XXL category anyway.

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