Route: Bellingham, WA – Lopez Island, WA. – Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert Island, ME.
    Total miles: 4,565
    Total days: 47
    Total ride days: 46
    Total days on ACA route: 44
    Sea-sea days actual: 43 (Searsport, ME)
    Miles/day > 100 = 26
    Those days > 120 = 15
    Farthest day: 144 mi.
    Total elevation: 185,750 ft
    Flats: Tubeless, leaks only
    Rear tire replacements: 2 (700c/28)
    Front tire(s): 0
    Chain(s): 1
    Worst mechanical failure: broke rear shift cable the last day
    Lost equipment: GoPro (Iowa?), neck gaiter, AirPods (separately)
    Lost then Found: Right Slipper(8 miles back), cell phone(turned into ranger station)
    Bee stings: 2
    Aggressive encounter w/ grizzly and cubs: 1 (West Glacier entrance)
    Crashes: 0
    Hit by car: 1/4, kid opened door on me, broke off rear pannier first day.
    Hotels: 5
    Cycling hosts: 5 (MT, MN x 2, NY, and VT)
    Coolest camp: Pine-on-Rocks/ Makoshika SP, MT.
    Worst camp: A town park restroom in Illinois sheltering from the Chicago tornados
    Most memorable camp: Wenona, IL w/ UK and NY cyclists going west w/ tornado weather
    Isobutane canisters: 3.5
    Consumed the most of: Twizzlers, Subway Titan Turkey w/everything, Cherry Pepsi, Instant Oatmealt

    by Waibike

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