This is a catch-up version of James O’Brien’s live, daily show on LBC Radio from the 29th of August 2024.

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    1. I think both girls and boys have a lot to be unhappy about- the boys because of Andrew Taint, and the girls because of Andrew Taint

    2. so they're trying to ruin pubs so next time they take away your freedom over a fake cough wont miss the pub even tho most of us with a brain went anyway

    3. I'm hearing that the 'proposed' smoking ban in pubs is "sensible approach" to helping people stop smoking. Looking forward to the day when the obese will be banned from proximity to fast food outlets as a "sensible approach" to help them stop gorging on food which costs the NHS millions. This is just to divert attention away from the impending tax rise conversation….. The dead cat thrown on the table. Old political tactic but still effective.

    4. So James doesn't think the ban is real because the Sun reported it. Starts off saying that it's over the top then talks himself round to agreeing with it. Huffing on copium because its his team, sad

    5. I dont understand why people compare this news to 1984.

      Anybody rememember a certain government restricting your right to protest, go on strike and vote? Anybody remember that same government saying they were going to scrap human rights legislation, and saying anybody that disagreed were part of a leftist, woke mob?

      But yes, compare Starmers government to 1984 for wanting to reduce smoking in outdoor spaces.

    6. Labours effort would be much better spent on putting restrictions/ regulating producers of low quality, ultra processed foods that children are consuming. Instead of clamping down on a freedom for an adult to choose to smoke in a designated smoking area

    7. Venues should decide where you can smoke. A blanket ban on smoking in pub gardens is ridiculous. If you don't like getting smoke in your face with your chicken 'Kyiv' outside, that can easily be fixed by having a non-smoking outside area. These politicians are total idiots

    8. The smokers burden on the NHS is a myth, the thought that the doctors and hospitals are full of young or recently deceased smokers is laughable, we are constantly being told that we are an aging population and this puts a strain on the NHS. Social Care, Doctors waiting lists, state pensions, notice the mental health crisis just happened to come around when smoking was banned before.

      Doctors waiting lists are full of elderly people
      Hospitals are full of elderly people
      Pensions take up the largest chunk of national spending
      Smoking with the on the spot fines on purchase (hidden as tax) costs more per smoker than having 2 private health plans so smokers are not only paying for their own healthcare they are paying for someone elses.

      You'll not need to worry about me smoking and taking care of me on the NHS because if i make it to retirement, I will be on the first plane out of this country never to look back or visit ever again.

    9. The happiness study compared the UK with Europe, but listening to this as an American, I very strongly suspect young people in the UK are experiencing similar rates of unhappiness as American youth. It sounds as though over the past couple decades, UK society has begun to align more with US society, and away from European norms, with a corresponding decrease in happiness. Anxiety and depression are exceedingly common among Gen Z—they despair about the future of the world, their country, and their lives. Which strikes me as entirely rational.

    10. Many of the outdoor areas were specifically designed and built to cater for smokers to retain their business because none smokers wanted them to go outside, now none smokers want to take ownership of those spaces too, I'm wondering would it be ok to send smokers to mars to have a smoke in peace or do the rest of you plan to holiday there also?

    11. The UK focus on economics more than family. The countries with the happiest people are also the ones that encourage and support the opportunity for at least one parent to stay home or work less hours, their early years schooling concentrates on play, social skills, empathy and community, and they don’t have formal assessment for children until at least the age of 7 unlike the UK who prep children ready for assessments at aged 5.
      The UK forces people into work including single parents which is really apparent in areas of disadvantage.

    12. Smokers all year round stand out in the rain getting drenched, in winter almost freeze to death to go outside to smoke so that people inside do not have to breath in their fumes and now the none smokers want to go outside for the 7 minutes and 36 seconds we do get of sunshine and so decide smoking outside should be banned.

    13. Its laughable that you dont see how what you call the negotiation of the 3yr old is in fact the brow beating that you impose on a daily bassis as Britain's consciousness

    14. Brazil is actually giving an ultimatum to Elon Musk or Twitter will be shut down in Brazil, Brazilians are absolutely livid with Elon Musk not actually following court orders instead of the Justice who gave the ultimatum

    15. It's about not having disgusting smoke wafting over you while you are trying to enjoy a meal outside, lets have a referendum let the majority decide if we want to be killed by passive smoking the government is serving the majority and their children

    16. YOU GOT TO LOVE THE SELLERS WHO PROFIT FROM THE WRONGS THEY SELL US IN OUR WORLD ,,,, smoking – Once addicted to it ,, we need you to stop what we told you was okay for many years ? kind of like diesel fuel being okay – better for the planet ,,,,, and,,,,,, once you've debt or used saving to do the right thing buying the can/van etc,, whoops – sorry we were wrong,,, and one more – like Grenfell tower fire and the cladding – we'll make your lives healthier and save YOU money ,,, in ,,,, the ,,, long ,,, run ? big whoops again,,,, and the seller never gets burnt for the wrongs they sell us

    17. Britian is doing so well now, they are now getting to grips with the greatest problem ever, smoking in beer gardens 😂😂😂😂😂😂 you just couldn't make it up 😂😂😂😂.

    18. The chili one isn't quite correct – if you underwater a chilli plant it gets what's called water stress, and while in a stressed state it develops more capsaicin as a defense mechanism (the spicy element of chillies). It's not to do with dilution. Listening back to mystery hour after the fact can be frustrating lol!

    19. probably make more sense to stop drugs being taken and peddled both inside and outside pubs, plus schools, police stations, parliament and street corners first and then tackle smoking……just a thought

    20. James keeps talking about the effect on his darling little cherubs. You bringing your children into an adult space is annoying to me. It's a disgusting habit.

    21. BBQ smoke carries the same health risk as passive smoking outdoors.

      Eating BBQ food also has health risks.

      Tax from tobacco sales exceeds both tax from BBQ sales and costs to the NHS for smoking related illness.

      So, if your argument is one of health, or over costs to taxpayers, then surely BBQs should be your priority?!

      Note: Yes it is a silly comparison, but it also true.

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