* I show you how to improve your French fluency every Saturday. Subscribe here: https://www.commeunefrancaise.com/youtube-welcome

    Understanding spoken French is the hardest part of learning the language, but with practice, you can definitely improve!

    Many French teachers and programs focus on writing, reading, and speaking French… but what about listening and comprehension skills? If you’ve been learning for a while, you’ve probably realized that this is the most difficult — yet the most important — part of learning French!

    Don’t worry, there’s hope! In today’s lesson, I’ll share my best advice for improving your French listening skills, with tips on how to practice understanding everyday spoken French.

    0:00 – Intro
    0:10 – Importance of Practicing Understanding
    0:53 – Techniques
    3:58 – Common Challenges and Solutions
    6:07 – Interactive Practice Session
    9:35 – Tips for Continuous Improvement

    * Read, save and/or print the full written lesson here (free) – https://www.commeunefrancaise.com/blog/how-to-improve-French-listening&source=youtube

    * Ready to see faster progress in your spoken French fluency through consistent practice? Sign up for our next 30-Day French Challenge: https://school.commeunefrancaise.com/challenge

    * Actual spoken French is almost a completely different language than technical written French, which is what you were taught in schools. We specialize in everyday spoken French: speaking and understanding it, at all ages and levels. – https://www.commeunefrancaise.com


    At Comme une Française, we specialize in everyday spoken French. We focus on three unique aspects that are different from school French, self-study books, Duolingo, etc:
    1. We focus only on the specifics of speaking/understanding/being understood in everyday French and have unique ways to help you learn it properly & faster.
    2. We focus on shortcuts to help you make progress faster, which also means we tell you exactly what you can stop learning to prioritize what’s really important.
    3. We use French culture as the subject to make it fun and interesting for adults.

    Take care and stay safe.
    😘 from Grenoble, France.



    1. <English native Started 9 months ago, Inner french podcast early on but after a while it was too easy. There's not really any middle ground I can find between Inner french + advanced/native french so I just listen to the radio every day. Some days I can follow several sentences in a row perfectly but other times it feels like I'm not following it at all. I'm doing the gold list vocab method now for learning as many adjectives as I can and next it will be onto nouns.

      Conversation exchange is a good site to find people that speak French + learn English to get one on one free conversation practice. I find tv shows almost impossible to follow and subtitles are just annoying because you're not even watching the show you just end up reading text for 30-60 minutes understanding little and having to pause and ruin the experience or ignore it all and be confused through the whole thing. I think the real answer is just reading until your vocab is around 10k+ words then when you watch/listen to french you'll be able to follow easier because there wont be so many gaps in each sentence and your brain struggling to work out what was said. Below is what I heard without looking at subtitles and having to pause+ replay sentences several times.

      'Ça te dirait d'aller à nice ce week-end? Mes parents m'ont dit que c'était super.'
      'Ce week-end? eh mais ouais! Carrément. On pourra profiter du soleil, et se balader sur la promenade des anglais, et manger une pice a la dere?'
      'Ma mère m'a recommandé d'aller manger à 'la cantine de mémé' et puis une rupie étonne bourré de petit restos sympa la rumescena'
      'Top! On devrait pouvoir trouver-la bonheur'
      'Et moi je veux absoluement aller faire un tour dans les boutiques de luxe de la rue paradis histoire de se la jouer un peu jete sete'

      Mistakes = Pissaladière, rue piétonne, la rue Masséna, trouver notre bonheur,jet-set
      Some of those mistakes are just words I've never seen, places are always going to be hard, 'notre' was hard to hear for me, jet set is apparently an English phrase haha never heard it before.
      But even with such little mistakes the language is so hard to follow. This translation required me to replay the video like 10 times, it wasn't spontaneous at all… that being said I am happy with my progress so far this year and your videos are helpful so thank you!

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