In this special French edition, I took a trip to one of the most deprived and neglected areas in paris called Clichy sous Bois. I was shown around by a popular local Alphonsy.

    Make sure you follow him on Instagram

    And also shout out to thy flossy for setting up this vlog

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    1. Suffering.. neglected.. victimization at its peak. While in the same way, many others parts of France are Suffering, but they don't get a fraction of the money france puts its this "Suffering " area. Not even talking about who is really deteriorating these neighborhood. .

    2. Blacks living abroad , Europe , states or America this is not an excuse there are so many opportunities starting washing the dishes then work your way to the top. You are a foreigner in a foreign land stop playing the victim you have to prove your worth unfortunately or else just leave.

    3. "Le gouvernement nous aide pas"… pourquoi ils s'etonnent ? Ils crachent sur les flics, les boites aux lettres et murs, ils se sont pas casser tous seul.
      Faites raigner l'ordre, la discipline et le respect dans vos cites. Au lieu de fumer des gros chtards dans les halls d'escalier, nettoyer reparer, et faites de la peinture.

      Ca ne fait que se plaindre aupres du gouvernement.. Hello les gars, c'est les francais qui payent avec leurs taxes. Aucun respect envers ceux qui paye pour leurs conneries.

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