Living in Hungary Part 2. Having been here now for over 4 years this video talks about other things not mentioned in the first video. We talk about car ownership cost, public transport, online shopping and the internet.
I mention we have a Substack page too.
We have a newsletter hosted by Substack and our pages there also give other items of content that are not available on YouTube, for example quick posts and updates on things going on, harvest results, announcements etc. You can get the newsletter for free by pasting this to your browser or just clicking:
which will take you to my Substack page.
There will be a lot of additional content being posted over the next few days, and more exciting stuff, for example being able to interact with us directly, so we look forward to seeing you very soon.
7:40 Its funny, how you praise the bus and train as being well organised and being on time :))))
(Hint: there is now a major internal politics scandal in Hungary about the sorry state of the MÁV, ie the state owned and operated railway company. )
8:25 in bigger cities there is option for ordering daily shopping to house, but usually restricted to citiy limits. Not so much in smaller towns, villages or into a tanya.
We have a newsletter hosted by Substack and our pages there also give other items of content that are not available on YouTube, for example quick posts and updates on things going on, harvest results, announcements etc. You can get the newsletter for free by pasting this to your browser or just clicking:
which will take you to my Substack page.
There will be a lot of additional content being posted over the next few days, and more exciting stuff, for example being able to interact with us directly, so we look forward to seeing you very soon.
8:26 Félegyháza, which is probably Kiskunfélegyháza. A town just under 30K population, some museums and a spa. Not the worst place to spend a week of holiday – for the tipical British, I would recommand early May and late September, unless of course, you want to try the continental summer grill.
9:17 Its not just the sourdough, but AFAIK the US and probably in the UK "factory" bread contains corn syrup – ie. glucose.
11:00 I guess the difference is UHT, which stands for Ultra High Temperature (Pasteurisation). It makes milk stay longer fresh, withouth even cooling (until you open the box, that is). Bottled milk might be raw milk, which goes sour faster.
HOWEVER one can make aludttej (soured milk) from it. Its a nice cold and "diet" folk food, somewhat went out of fashion.
18:50 Hungary has over 90% coverage for 4G and 5G is spreading quickly too, so if you come from the EU, data roaming should also be and option. In the "mountains" however, that can be tricky.