I finally got my first carbon bike and trying to figure out the best storage option for it that isn’t 1. Inside, 2. Leaning up against something, and 3. Not easily accessible.

I have always used either the pulley system that hangs from my 12’ garage which I use for more long term storage of bikes because it take a few minutes to take it down or put it back up. Also, the more you use the system the more you have to worry about frayed ropes and replacement/catastrophic failure. My second option I have always used in my aluminum bikes was gladiator horizontal bike hook, GAWUXXHBTG.

My concern is 1. from heat of the engine on the bike above the hood and 2. Long term storage on the top tube or should I be hanging from the aluminum stock rims?

Most of my wall space is taken up in the garage, but could move some tools to the spot above the car and put the bike off to the side of the heat is going to be an issue.


by gaidin43


  1. I have a similar setup for my bike. The pulley system feels like too much work to pull up and down each time I need to use or store my bike.

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