This was a holiday using Brompton folding bikes, combined with trains & buses. We used trains and buses to get out of town, and cycled in the country lanes hunting out places we wanted to see. We both love history “treasure hunt” type holidays, and cycling is such an enjoyable way to get around.

    Planning a holiday like this is not hard really, but it does take a bit of research. The trains were quite easy to suss out, as it is straightforward to find where they go. Working out bus/cycling routes was a bit trickier, but I found a website called ‘Bus Atlas UK’ that makes it simple to see at a glance which bus routes have frequent services, eg hourly, or even better.
    It is here –
    And this was map we used –
    Bus Atlas UK is put together by someone called Brendan Fox. Inspiring! Super useful for planning days out! Thank you Brendan Fox!

    Dad began cycling in his sixties when he retired. He is 88 now, and still rides pretty much every day, as a handy form of local transport – to go and see friends and pop to the chemist’s and things like that – as well as heading out on a bike just for the pleasure of it. Dad and I are both dealing with cancer, and both really glad for the care from the NHS, including the encouragement to us both to cycle, not just for fitness, but because it is so good for keeping your spirits up. Dad’s consultant even wrote into his notes “Buy a folding bike!” last consultation, so that Dad doesn’t have to borrow a Brompton from us next time. Haha. Yeah. We are both super grateful, that we can do this. Actually, about folding bikes in particular, one thing we have noticed is that the low “cross bar” is a big plus for an older person, making it much easier to get on and off the bike. Dad still lives where I grew up in South Manchester, on the edge of the Peak District, and is often seen at Lyme Park cafe, having tea and scones. If you see him there, say hello!

    Norfolk was great! Lovely lanes, pretty villages, interesting history, pub lunches, afternoon tea.. Nice!!!

    We hope you enjoy our film!


    1. What's not to love. Great pub lunches, bimbling about, getting some exercise whether in light rain or pleasant sunshine, listening to bird song and exploring splendid history. Absolutely brilliant, in every way. Thanks so much bringing me along! ATB

    2. I’m with the rest of your family – the cakes stole the show…the angels with wings put up a good fight but they lacked the sugar pleasure envy hit!! 🤭 Great example as to how nifty the Brompton is for opening up adventure opportunities! Yourself and your Dad look like great travel companions…a lovely video Susanna and fab to see yourself and your Dad together again on an adventure ❤️

    3. Another brill video thankyou , looking to get myself a brompton and get into this type of thing , will be starting from scratch so will have a helluva lot to learn .loving your adventures take care

    4. The architecture you mentioned are impressive. The angels in the churches left me totally impressed. Their beauty and antiquity speak for themselves. On the other hand, I think that on this side of the world, we are doing something that is not right. I see, for example, your father riding a bike with extraordinary energy, the train, bus and road connections are extremely good. In my archipelago, if you don't have a car, you can't get anywhere. Public transport, which was once excellent, has now disappeared and where it still exists, is a disaster. At least I understand that staying active in the adult years is very important for the population of mature adults. Anyway, thank you for sharing this adventure full of information and above all peace.

      A big Caribbean hug!

      Final note: I ask you, in December I will be in Europe and I plan to continue to Scotland to make a short trip by bike, I will not take my bike. Do I need any particular document to rent a bike or is a credit card enough? Can I leave the bike where the trail ends or do I have to return it to the same place where I picked it up? Thank you.

    5. As always – loved your film. Such a lovely relationship with your dad and it is so easy to see how much you both enjoy the adventure.
      I am so sorry to hear that your dad is also dealing with cancer but can see that you are a great encouragement to each other and the shared joy of cycling is a wonderful distraction and boost to you both.
      Wishing you both the best of health and hoping that things improve despite it being cancer. Thank you for sharing your adventure – it is a real spirit lifter for those who share the journey vicariously too.

    6. Your Dad is a role model still on his bike at 88. That’s tremendous, well done both of you for another Epic adventure together. It’s always nice to cycle with somebody else, but cycling with family is super special. 😀

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