Balkans Cycling Adventure – BCA. Cycle Day 44: Dimitrovgrad, Serbia to Dragoman, Bulgaria. 36km (601vm). Connal Tours European Cycling Tour 2024. Connal Kit for all your cycle touring clothing.
    Nothing like having 4 eggs for breakfast to kick start the day. Pretty sure they helped me get up the 3 climbs we had today. Had to try and spend the last of our Serbian money – stocked up on snacks. I’d remembered to dig out our left-over Bulgarian money. First a border crossing into Bulgaria. Our route (off the motorway) took us to a closed gate and a disused road just off where all the trucks coming through the border are checked over. Truck drivers indicating we would have to go down the main road to Sofia. So, we started, but fortunately we spied a turn off a little bit along that put us onto our plotted route. Thank goodness. Main road was not an attractive option. Our road had long climbs, but it was so quiet – very few cars. Through a rocky gorge then up and over. Hairpin bends. Gradient signage to warn us 8, 9, 10%. But usually only for a short spurt. High plateau country for a while before dropping down, then up again. Last climbing day. Selfie taken after our last climb. Entry to town was a back street where we followed a Roma family in their horse & cart. Dragoman – we did find a smart off-street bar for a beer & cake as reward. Our Hotel is very nice, on the edge of town near the motorway entry points. A ride through town only showed us a very neglected and run downtown square & municipal buildings (did find the ATM in this one main building). Another major demolition heap. Some new roads and footpaths mixed with very rough ones. Almost appears as the whole town is getting a makeover. Surprise, next to the hotel is a beaut restaurant and the local pool. No security fence around the pool. Feel like we’re in a resort for an afternoon.
    Cycle Day 44 of 45 over 10 weeks cycle touring covering over 2400km in a loop circuit of the West Balkans in Europe through 8 countries. Connal Kit for all your cycling touring clothing. Connal Tours European Cycling Tour 2024. 29June2024.

    1 Comment

    1. Hey! Thanks for the video, it helps a lot.
      I do have one question tho – is there and restriction for bike on the road? When I look for the itinerary on Google maps or mappy, they say I have to do a 100km detour by the south. I’m a bit confused.

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