100 miles, 3 countries, and 2000 years of shared history. Location notes in comments.

    by Heinrich-der-Vogler


    1. Heinrich-der-Vogler on

      This is one of my all-time favorite rides. The route is:

      * Start in Trier, Germany
      * Head up the Ruwer-Hochwald bicycle path to Zerf
      * Follow the roads from Zerf to Saarburg
      * Follow the Saar River to Mettlach and up/across the Saarschleife
      * Through the fields to Malbrouck castle, then down to Schengen (where there’s water)
      * Follow the Mosel up to Thionville, Metz, and finally Jouy-aux-arches in France.

      The locations pictured, with dates of principle construction, are:

      1. Porta Nigra, Trier. 2nd century; Roman.
      2. Aula Palantina, Trier. 4th century; Roman.
      3. Sommerau Castle. 14th century.
      4. Saarburg Castle. 11th through 16th centuries.
      5. Old Tower, Mettlach Abbey. 10th century; perhaps one of the oldest Christian contructions in the Saarland.
      6. Bronze-age fortifications of the Saarschleife. 2nd century BCE, probably Celtic.
      7. Ruins of Skiva Castle. 9th century; Frankish. One of the few surviving Motte-and-Baily type castles from the period.
      8. Montclair Castle. 15th century.
      9. Malbrouck Castle. 15th century.
      10. Schengen Castle. 13th centry (tower) and 19th century (residence); the EU’s visa-free travel agreement was signed here.
      11. Castle of the Dukes of Lorraine, Sierck-les-bains. 17th century.
      12. Aqueducts of Jouy-aux-arches, 1st century; Roman.

      There are a bunch of really interesting sights on the French stretch of the ride that I didn’t photograph because I was getting tired. These include the gothic Cathedral of Metz, the old ironworks of Thionville, fortifications of the Maginot line, and the nuclear powerplant at Catenom.

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