Hi all,

    Recently picked up this beautiful 2022 CF8, absolutely love it. However, I'm really keen to go tubeless and wondering what setup of GP5000 to go with. I'm probabably overthinking it but my dilemma:

    1) Stay staggered setup i.e. 25F/28R?

    2) Trying to workout whether GP5000 S TR (very slightly less rolling resistance) or AS TR (better puncture protection) however annoyingly I want the transparent but they only come in the S TR. I guess my real question is just significant is the puncture protection going to be in the all season variant? I know bicyclerollingresistance.com/ states the difference is ~43 vs 36 but what this means in the real world I'm not too sure. I think the transparent (dark tan) will look better than the cream walls.

    Keen to hear your personal experiences.


    by No_Ad_136

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