1. Wide-Review-2417 on

      I did a double take when the lady said that the bike lane was a plan to reduce peoples mobility. Just sat there and twitched my eyelid.

    2. Not going to watch this, as it would probably just piss me off. Interesting topic though!

    3. LowTechBakudan on

      People will find all sorts of reasons to deny us somewhere safe to ride our bikes.

    4. I live in Canada (Ontario) and loaded my bike into my vehicle a couple of weeks ago and did a bunch of rides throughout Ohio (Cleveland, near Mansfield, etc.) and people there, in the US, seemed very respectful and careful around me as a cyclist.

      My experience in Canada this year (first year cycling in almost 27 years) is that people are much more hostile towards cyclists. This is my own, limited experience.

      * edit: having said that, this might be due to a very prevalent Boomer NIMBYism here as well that has the attitude, as George Carlin put it, “[gimme it, it’s mine!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B96rQohpw8)”

    5. Boomers are so fucking stupid and unaware lmao. There part where said her trip would go from .7km to 2km so that means bike lanes cause more carbon emissions had me rolling

    6. It leaves me frustrated, sad, confused, but not surprised.

      I laud the creator of the video for attending such a meeting. It’s hard to debate someone if you are unaware of their arguments or position.

    7. Master_Confusion4661 on

      I watched this on YouTube earlier! Great job!
      Did you offer any counter arguments?
      Can completely understand if not

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