1. You should get it locally but make sure to get spray for the midges if you camp anywhere in nature or plan on even looking at a lake. They’re frankly ridiculous. UV can be intense there so sun gear is recommended if you’re fair skinned 

    2. I’d ditch 1 tube and the brake oil probably, but that’s me.

      Things to add:

      Tools: allen keys, (adjustable) wrench, plyers, spoke spanner(and maybe a spare spoke), knife, zipties, hoseclamps, some nuts & bolts, duct tape.

      Camping gear: Head torch, water filter

      Bike: 1 pair of spare pads, spare spoke

      Also bungee ropes can come in handy

    3. for 3000 depending on your gearing I would have a spare chain as well with some quicklinks and a chain tool. , add a multitool with every bolt size for your bike, some latex gloves and a small role of all purpose duct tape,

    4. Your list is a bit too unspecific, but you seem to be missing some tools to fix your bike. Something like a multitool, chain breaker, tyre levers, etc.

    5. Training, so you can experience the pain, adapt, experience some failures and update the setup, without being 1500km away from any life.

    6. Kringle_Collection on

      I’m a big fan of bringing an ultralight hammock. For naps during the day or even sometimes sleeping at night.

    7. I know it’d be considered a luxury but I’d be lost without my chair on a tour. I’m getting old. I have a Helinox Ground Chair but there are plenty of cheaper equivalents knocking around.

      You haven’t mentioned power anywhere, as in a battery, to charge your phone that will go in the phone holder you’ve mentioned

    8. I carry a small multi tool as well, things comes loose. You might want to carry other spares (chain link, cable etc). Definitely add sunscreen and bug repellent to the list. A water filter is handy if you want to refill bottles from rivers & streams.

    9. I’d go up or down NZ if I were you, if you go across you’ll find it’s not very wide 😉

    10. 1. NZ’s not 3,000km across. 😉
      2. My packing list must’ve had hundreds of items but then I itemized everything: my clothing (eg, “n pairs of sox”), spare parts (“xx 10mm stainless steel rack bolts”), etc.
      Have you done a 2 or 3 day test ride before your big trip? That would surely help you flesh out your list!

    11. First aid kit, including charcoal pills and something antihistamine – the latter can save life when a wasp bites your throat (been there).

      Power bank

      Headlight with red light option

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