What do you know about Serbia? Probably you’ve heard a lot about conflicts in the Balkans, civil wars, bombing, weapons, communist past. As usual, I am on my way to see what’s going on beyond the news from the media, to meet locals and to find out what life in Serbia is actually about now.

    Time codes:
    00:00 First time in Serbia and first day in Belgrade
    01:18 First culture shock: are there 2 alphabets?
    03:24 Meet my Serbian friend Iv
    05:38 Another culture shock: you need to show respect… to the police
    06:49 Saint Sava church
    07:48 The New Belgrade district & communist buildings
    08:37 How was life in Yugoslavia?
    09:20 Sanctions against Serbia & crazy inflation
    10:25 Bombing of Belgrade
    13:09 Trying Serbian cuisine
    15:18 … and desserts, of course!
    17:20 Zasavica nature reserve
    23:01 Let’s try the most expensive cheese in the World!
    24:39 Just trying to live this life to the fullest

    📌https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JTD0UZGeJwYnmvcEsP6xQ – Iv’s channel
    📌https://elinabakunova.com/ – check out my Russian Speaking Club & other projects here!

    🔸What can you find on my channel?
    👉🏻visiting different republics and regions of Russia
    👉🏻learning about ethnic groups of Russia (we have 195 ethnicities!)
    👉🏻Russian culture explained! (facts that you won’t find on google) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeQTCVW4juG8wDADr0OqmPLnv1mfnoYkr
    👉🏻traveling elsewhere & my impressions of other countries as a Russian

    📍 More videos:
    https://youtu.be/BpZHXmrfjLg – Life in Russia’s COLDEST CITY – Yakutsk | Yakut habits, heatwave(-35 C°)

    https://youtu.be/Zsi3Naelsyw – Life in a provincial Russian town in the Urals | Perm
    📸https://instagram.com/elibakunova?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= – more content about Russia, traveling, and my daily life
    🤍 https://www.patreon.com/elifromrussia – if you feel like supporting my channel through Patreon

    #serbia #serbianlanguage #serbianculture #serbiatravel #belgrade #belgradeserbia #beograd #srpski #srpska #serbian



    2. Serbians and Russians have a similarly twisted mentality. They start a war then cry that someone is reacting to it and fighting back. All the Serbs talk as if NATO started bombing them for no reason. But you never hear them talk about the genocide they committed against their neighbors.

    3. The media always portrays Eastern Europe as shitty because it strokes the ego of Westerners. They can't fathom that people might live differently from them and still be happy.

    4. I saw your video about the gulag.. Never saw that before, I really wonder about you, as a seemly' free
      spirit' how to cope with the new iron curtain overthere, not nice.. that your leader went on an old path again restricting almost everything again. I hope there will be more democracy, I see some youth is aware of that, now in the you tube period

    5. Was in Serbia some days ago, just Belgrade. For me it was like a lot of people there look slavic, due to migration waves centuries ago and many Russian expats living there nowadays. Still, I saw similar mindset when it comes to their Balkan counterparts as in Albania or Macedonia… I'm referring to the littering of public spaces which goes in contrast with the cleanliness of parks and squares in slavic countries such as Poland or Belarus. Even Belgrade Fortress had plastic bottles, garbage and so on, that's a complete lack of respect for historic sites

    6. The other alphabet, Latin, was introduced during communism in order to derail Serbian language, culture and state. Unfortunately, successfully. The Serbs have not yet recovered from it all.

    7. So, Latin alphabet, although widely used in Serbia, is not official scripture of the country. We have the Gaj's Latin (Ljudevit Gaj) developed in XVIX century for the needs of Catholics in Southern Slavic countries – nowadays it's all counted as Croatian or Slovenian.
      The verb "kušati" in Serbia means to try something. Iskušavati means to try someone. "Ja hoću kušati" is not correct grammar form, we do not use infinitive, we always use the indicative of present. Even for connected actions. So, the correct form would be "Ja hoću da kušam/ja hoću da probam/ja hoću da okusim ovo jelo."

    8. Ellie, you are such a treasure. Thank you, again, for allowing us to touch and be touched by the simple joys, and the sorrows, of humanity. My father was of the generation of WWII. I remember when he visited me back in the 70s, when I was stationed in Germany. He made a sad comment that it is too bad that they did not leave anything to remind them of what they had been through. I thought of my fathers remark when you showed how a small part of the city still shows bomb damage while the rest of the city has been restored, or is in the processes of being restored. Is it really such a bad thing to keep a reminder of how far down a society can go when brother turns against brother and the political class becomes the ruling class?

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