1. I sm English. Anglicans leave the government controlled, shaped and confiscated C or E. Run from ot and its deformity as a state occupied group. Join the Ordinariate or Western Church restoring the communion and integrity the historic Church of the apostles.

    2. I am a former Episcopalian in the USA. Growing up, I looked to the CofE as the "Mothership" . In the last 10 years or so I have become embarrassed by my previous adulation. The downfall, In my opinion, was the ordination of Gene Robinson. I left a few years later.

    3. This is a problem in first world nations. The perverse has become celebrated, and those who contend for righteousness are vilified. Good is called evil, evil is called good. It’s the sign of the great apostacy written about in Thessalonians. But I think it’s better that we not become a lukewarm entity. It’s high time to take a stand!

    4. I really don’t understand why the King is not intervening. Must assume his all consuming syncretism approves. I wonder if the penny will ever drop that the path he is on will not just sweep our country and faith away, but the monarchy with it too.

    5. What is a "bible-believer"? What is a "Christian"? Which came first? What 'scriptures' were Jesus, and all those who knew him, using? How does a "bible-believer" differ from a "Christian"?

    6. Christ taught a heart centered living and our churches are failing in extending love towards those who are not likeminded like the Good Samaritan he spoke about. Humanity is two Ages behind. Over 2,000 years ago Christ Jesus spoke of an age to come when the Holy Spirit will teach all when we Ask, Seek and Knock. God is in all and we are one. So why are we judging, fighting, killing, denying those who might be different. We must live from a heart centered life. That Age is now when all hidden things are being revealed. WE are LOVE

    7. Am not sure why we are surprised about all the activities of C of E, this is how the Bible describes how the situation will be at the end time, for it to be aligned with prophecy someone in person of their current archbishop is a good fit conforming with the world. Judgment is starting from the house of God.

    8. The coe is just an offcut of the roman pagan church. The pagan church combined with early Christianity and then hijacked that infamous verse and under the guidence of satan, mis interpreted what Jesus said to Peter. Peter and the church were never the rock, Jesus Christ is the only rock from the OT to the NT. Let God Almighty arise, His enemies be scattered.

    9. Just off topic, beware of people saying "bless you". I noticed many nurses and medical staff in GP'S , even the average person on the street say these two words ad nauseaum. Dont accept the curse. These words spoken by a non Christian originate from the pit of hell and you dont want to accept their curses upon you. Rather ask them, in whose name are you invoking these words ? If not Jesus Christ, reject the curse in Jesus Mighty name. No weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises against you, condemn in Jesus name.

    10. It's not just the Church of England but every Church. I have left my Orthodox Church because of their rules which are not rules of God.

      Please don't say with are saved by Ephesians 2:8-10 because many Christians believe that all we need and don't have to do anymore where in fact faith without works is dead. James 2:28

    11. Happy to have been a Christian all of my life (70 years) thank God.

      30 years CoE, 30 years with the Baptists and the last 10 with the Pentecostal church.

      With each step, as I moved geographically, God has developed my outlook and activity.

      Within the Anglican Church I tended to believe that as I turned up on a Sunday, I could leave the rest with the vicar.

      Whilst at the Baptist church I became aware of the Fruit of the Spirit, but was always struggling with it.

      In recent times, thank God I have realised the potential of the Holy Spirit living in my heart. That has been exciting.

      As such, I can understand that if the CoE dissolves, there are plenty of other God based outlets, from where we can all learn and develop.

      We have the example from those 7 letters at the beginning of Revelation, as such we have a responsibility to get into that Church of Philadelphia for ourselves, as we become positive and active church members fully in love with Jesus.

      I think we can all imagine as to how the ‘Community of Faith’ will become a general local social group.

      We are in the returning days of Noah. We need to identify with Christ, become active disciples to glorify Jesus.

      It ain’t gonna be easy, as we know, however we need to know our role, and his promises and live our lives accordingly, as His spirit directs us.

      P.S. We have all of those gifts, (as required). Tongues included. Believe me I know. I resisted it for 30 years, however when allowed to flourish, I was duly blessed accordingly. On occasion have also been blessed with translation and prophesy.

      They are all there to to activated, as required to glorify Him.

      Jesus instructed his disciples to do specific things, and those things have not been lifted.

    12. Another warning, beware of false doctrines on youtube and those "I was dead and went to heaven videos. Check what they say against the word of Almighty God. If it does not line up with the bible, then reject it and run.

    13. The Church of England is Corporate before Christian, the evidence for this is , its more concerned with being relevant today by modern day standards, lifestyle etc. It never mentions its relationship and communication with the Holy Spirit, giving its own subjective responses to questions rather than quoting the Bible…R I P the Church of England…

    14. I will not desert my beloved Church of England.
      I don’t agree with a lot of what is happening with in the church, but I love my Anglican faith and its doctrine. I still believe that my God remains in charge as I await his instructions through scripture.
      Praise be to god. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

    15. Some CONSTRUCTIVE comments (which i'm sure you're disagree with); 1/ please get your face away from the camera, far too close! uncomfortable to view 2/ by calling the pope 'anti-Christ' you are displaying ignorance and making yourself appear ridiculous, you associate yourself with heretics like Luther and Calvin 3/ the Bible was given to us BY the Church, the Church decided what did and didn't go into the Bible, guided by the Holy Spirit, you seem to divorce the Bible from its source. 4/ the BIBLE says that the CHURCH is the pillar and ground of the Truth, 'Bible alone' is heresy, as is 'saved by Faith ALONE' 5/ you are seeking the Holy Orthodox Church, please explore it. It is the Church founded by Christ. ☦☦☦

    16. NO church is so absolutely essential that one should stay with one that has spat on the gospel of Christ

      and today's C of E has done this.

      staying in it is to cast your pearls before – well you know what.

      "come out from among them" lest you go down with them.

      I know it is clear to me as I am on the outside but that church is well and truly lost

    17. Few today are interested in listening to Christians, Muslims etc preaching. They are interested in evidence that what is being preached is true and invariably that is lacking.

    18. Jesus Christ has called for us to come out of the shadows of religion to not a single stone is going to be left standing upon another stone for him to return to the earth to destroy the evil temples and shrines and altars that have been used for paganism and occultism and satanic rituals and ceremonies and festivals intertwined into this world’s religions beliefs systems of worship and all of that different gods and angels influenced the people in creating many different kinds of gods and worship rituals and ceremonies and festivals that are written in Genesis scripture that people were tempted by mind control influence of the fallen angels and Nephilim to be the bloodline of the fallen angels and they became the numerous different gods in different cultures beliefs that are the kingdom of lucifer to which they are all under the same faith according to the world global elites and their new one world religion and beliefs system that they are promoting today

    19. This is the beginning of the great Falling Away. As evil waxes worse and worse, the Man of Sin will come. He will appear tolerant, affirming and approving of immorality and blasphemy. The World will embrace and love him because he will once and for all deal with these bigoted, bible-clinging, hateful Stone Age Christians who just refuse to use the right pronouns, nor will they break God's commandments to embrace and accept the sexual behavior of everyone.

      Rev. 13:11 –"And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon".

      Are not these two horns on this beast Islam and Catholicism? Are we not hearing dragon-like (draconian) speech coming from The World concerning those who refuse to embrace Diversity and Inclusion (code wordd for accepting abomination) within their churches?

      I do not recognize the authority of any man, whether pope, priest, arch-bishop, or imam who deny that the bible is the final and absolute authority on matters of faith, morals, and behavior in the church, which is the bride of Christ. It is why I attend a Bible Church, refusing to be part of any compromising so-called church who ignores what the bible teaches concerning female clergy, gender, and behavior that led to the destruction of S&G.

    20. You should become Catholic: it is the Church established by Christ. The C of E has completely lost its way as a consequence of departing from communion with Rome. Protestantism leads inevitably to division and fragmentation.

    21. It’s a time for excruciating humility. Who really are ‘the people of God’. Who are we really worshipping? Who is our ‘head’? Who is the ‘Most High’? 1 Cor 11;3. Ps 83;18. Who is the ‘contrite and trembling at my word’ group, in these last days? (Isa 66;1,2)
      Who is fulfilling the global ‘commission’ of Mt 28;19 who Jesus said he would be ‘with’?
      Who is zealously evangelising in the great ‘harvest’ of these days? One million baptised in 5 years? New churches being built and refurbed by tens of thousands. It’s time for a fresh honest look at Scripture and one’s own beliefs, viewpoints and prejudices. You’ll find that the answer will soon be at your doorstep.

    22. Jesus knows each one of His precious sheep by name, and The Father calls each one unto Himself. the Lord called me out of the church system many years ago. Jesus never ever built a church when he ministered, he walked on foot from place to place with nothing nothing except His trust and Faith in the Father. The true Church of Jesus Christ is not in a building or temple. It is His Body. Ephesians 4 …There is one 4.4There is One Body and One Spirit One Lord , one faith and one baptism and One God and Father of all who is above all and through all in in you all. amen . we are all One in Him .. no matter where we are physically or geographically in this world…the Lord has said Acts 7.48 The Lord Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands.. your heart your body is His dwelling place. Peace and Grace to you all

    23. What they teach in C of E voluntary aided schools is an abomination. Parents such as myself who have grown up in the church as as faithful observers, should be very disturbed by the content of PHSE lessons. Too much of an agenda. Just stick to scripture!

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