In this video I do everything in my power to walk 20K steps every single day for one week. It turns out that it was actually a lot harder than I thought it would be to get all the steps in.

    This was a really fun video to make! If you liked it, I would really appreciate a like, comment, and subscribe to the channel! Everything helps me make more videos faster for you!

    Should I try 30K steps a day? Or 20K for a month? Let me know!


    1. If you do ever decide you want to boost your steps to 20K for the long term, you can make the experience less miserable by increasing your steps more gradually rather than just suddenly doubling the number of steps you take. So if your norm previously was 10K, you could aim for a goal of 12K at first, and then make new goals from there once you're able to maintain that. Also, of course, remember to wear sunscreen if you are outdoors a lot of the time.

    2. Interesting experiment. On a normal day (I live in Berlin, Germany) I do between 5 and 10 k steps per day. This is taking public transport, going to work, to the supermarket, to the gym, meeting some friends or girlfriend outside. On the days I stay at home, I actually do very few steps, between 2 and 4 k. So a treadmill like yours would be a very good thing.
      Congrats on the video and keep adding steps!

      PS: please don't use the song with the bell anymore, it was painful for my ears every time it played 😅

    3. Not enough self care can make this a living hell. My personal tips: Take a 10 mins break after every hour of walking. Stretch before and after. At the end of every walk, lift your legs up the wall for 15 mins to reduce inflammation. Use some sort muscle spray ( I don't know what they are called, athletes use them to keep their muscles warm) spray it from the soles of your feet all the way to your hamstrings. Wear sunscreen and a hat. Drink 2 glasses of water before and after each 2hr walk. Split your walks into 2 sessions : 2 hrs in the morning and 2 hrs in the evening. Day to day walking does not count towards your 20k (it makes you more anxious constanty checking how many steps you've taken). Take 1 day off a week for rest and recuperation. I hope this helps. Edit to clarify these are my personal rules that I do and work for me, and I've implemented them after attempting similar challenges and failing because I wasn't preparing and caring for myself self enough.

    4. Try to walk 25,000 steps everyday for 30 days and see if it is even better or too much..
      If you fail this,that's fine but make sure you should hit the exact number and no more than 200 or no less than 200 as well without failing once…❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊

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