Kryštof Kořán has been working as an engineer at Schindelhauer since June 2020. In summer 2022, he decided to go on a three-week bikepacking tour through Norway. During this time, he has covered 2500 km. Alone, far away from everyday life and not only on the road, but also on the way back to himself.

    We accompanied him briefly along the way and asked him what motivated him to embark on this journey alone and with just his bike. The need to be alone, always on the move and in nature 24 hours a day turned a time-out into a unique experience with his self-built Wilhelm Gravel.

    The physical distance he covers on his journey also represents for a distance from the familiar and the routine of his everyday life and at the same time creates space. Space for more awareness. With our Gravel line, we have launched a product that is designed to support exactly that – a piece of mind on a bike.

    In this film, we document not only the ‘proof of concept’ of our bike, but also the spirit that goes hand in hand with such a journey. Off the grid – an unforgettable experience with the bike, and beyond that, with oneself.

    For more information about Kryštof and his journey, click here:


    1. I came to Schindelhauer bikes years ago when looking for bikes that were equipped with Rohloff speedhubs. So happy to see Kryštof also went for that. Quite enjoyed this journey!

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