My spontaneous trip over the Balkans brought me to Bosnia, Montenegro and Albania.

    It took 20 days, about 2000 km distance with 30000 m of elevation before I got tired and it was enough for me.

    I lost ~7 kg (which is normal for me in summer with lots climbing and when I push myself)

    I have done a lot of hiking, slept in the mountains under the stars more than once, swam in many rivers, alpine lakes, and sea.

    Of course not everything was fun (as usual) and I had to battle the sun (probably the worst), ended on some shit roads with death-defying traffic, but the rest was unforgettable!

    The trip was so good I could go again now and I would not be bored because the nature is breathtaking!

    Fun facts:

    • I couldn't find a screw gas canister in whole Bosnia at all and I had to eat cold food for several days

    • I forgot my tent pegs (at the time I didn't know if I had lost them) but managed to do without

    • when I slept on the border between Albania and Montenegro I was woken by the wolves howling in the middle of the night

    • sleeping in the mountains on 2000m with a super thin summer sleeping bag is possible

    • I ate about 1 kg of super delicious hand picked raspberries while hiking for 2 days in Albanian alps

    • all the stray dogs I met in Bosnia and Montenegro were completely friendly

    by teanzg

    1 Comment

    1. Amazing.

      The best? Your post-trip energy which can be felt in your post.

      You went there and back, right?

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