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    2. Story I heard was women’s winner spent half the race in a group that included her husband lol

    3. I’m not sure who, but I assume a woman had a couple of men working for them. SBT just announced the pro fields will all get their own starts to prevent it from happening again

    4. I’m a bit out of the loop, but I believe a bunch of people were upset because the woman who won the highest level women’s rode basically the entire race in a group of men, one of which was I believe her husband.

      I think the race is a mass start where both men and women start together, so from my understanding she effectively drafted off of this group the whole way.

    5. “After Sunday’s race, some women expressed frustration at the finish line — and beyond — after Lauren Stephens won having been in a group of men that included her husband for the majority of the race. In the absence of a rule against it, Stephens technically wasn’t doing anything wrong.” -Betsy Welch, Velo
      [SBT GRVL Commits to Separate Start for Elite Women in 2025](https://velo.outsideonline.com/gravel/gravel-racing/sbt-grvl-commits-to-separate-start-for-elite-women-in-2025/)

    6. Desertgirl624 on

      Lauren Stephens does this in all races, she brings her husband to ride his wheel most of the race then splits off once she has a big enough lead to easily win

    7. I really don’t care about this…but if one woman drafts off of a group of men, can’t every other woman in the peloton do the same thing with the same group of men? Sure, might not get support, but….it’s not like you can keep someone from drafting off you.

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