While we were out, one of our followers saw our van in Tartu (Estonia) and left us a note. I always love coming back to Nessie and finding wee gifts for Nala (or me) or letters from you guys, and this one was extra special as it included an invitation to a spa hotel 😻😻. And even though I get a good sleep in most places, I couldn’t say no to that! Checked out all of their spa area and it was absolutely amazing. I think the fact that Nala wasn’t supposed to be there made her love the bed even more. After our stay, we initially planned to visit the national museum, but somebody (not mentioning any names, but I believe it was Nala…) left the lights on in the van so Nessie didnt start. But luckily we have followers all over the world who will come out to help us when in need ❤️

    If you’re ever in Estonia and looking for a nice and relaxing place to stay, check their website out
    https://vspa.ee/en/ 👈

    Keep up with all of our escapades and support us at
    https://www.1bike1world.com/ 👈

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/1bike1world/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1bike1world
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/1bike1world_

    We’re Dean & Nala, and we’ve been best friends since December 2018. I was cycling around the world when I heard Nala meowing out for me somewhere in the Bosnian mountains. With no intentions of keeping Nala, I knew i had to save the wee kitten and take her to the vet – but I was well aware of the fact that it might be a bit of a challenge considering I only had a bike. However, despite my concerns, Nala quickly climbed out of the front bag on the bike handle and straight onto my shoulder. Since then, we’ve been travelling the world together. So feel free to tag along if you’re interested in following our journey and adventures around the globe ❤️


    BIKING CAT 😻 ⤵︎

    BABY NALA ❤️ ⤵︎




    #1bike1world #cat #fulltimetravel #travellingbyvan #cutecat #adventurecat #catvideos #nala #travellingwithcat #t2 #vw #scotland #travel #vanlife


    1. Whew, I wonder how it was possible to film 🎥 in the spa with no one there & without having fog on the cam. Thank you for such impressions. It was funny to see, how you are used to the cold. Whereas I am 1/8 Italien & love the heath instead of the cold. So it is astonishing & prooven, how our surrounding is has a great impact & influence on us🎉. So sweet, the gifts on Nessie & the help to Charge her batteries 🔋. I am always happy, to see that you'll have a save home with Nala while being on the road. I remember when you called home mom an gran, while being with Nala somewhere with your bicycle & tent in the soaking 💦 rain. Than goodness these days are over. 🙏 Beautyful beach btw & so lovely, how Nala runs on your command 😂❤

    2. The stay in the hotel was a really nice gesture from the follower. The spa is wonderful, you deserve it Dean.😊.. Nala always beautiful.❤… Thanks also to the follower for the battery👍

    3. Seems you both finally found your true calling! You could start a new (sub) series rating luxorious spa hotels across Europe. Of course accompanied with your own spa treatment set. Extra soft towels with Nala's paw prints, special Dean recommended spa honey.. 😊

    4. I had no idea there were so many different types of spa treatments.
      Looks like Nala enjoyed the spa hotel too (or at least the bed 😄).
      How fortunate someone was able to help you so quickly.
      Safe travels!

    5. Not cool! Not Cool at all. If a hotel says they don't allow pets, that has to be respected, employee or no (They need to be disciplined or fired) It's unfortunate, but for many people they have allergies to cats and/or dogs. An example is my son who loves cats, grew up with them, but developed a terribly allergy to them. WHen traveling, it has to be a no pet hotel so that he doesn't suffer. He literally can't breath, it's like a severe asthma attack. As pet friendly as I am and he is, there are people that just can't be around them. To ignore a hotels policy puts their guests as risk and it is selfish.

      I love Nala and Dean, but this was wrong. They need to check each offer and ensure Nala is welcome. It's not because of hate, it;s because of health. Let the hate begin.

    6. Wonder how I could get a Boost Pack car starter to Dean?
      One of those would be the Cat's Arse (see what I did there?) for those inconvenient dead batteries.
      Regarding the gent what brought his Boost Pack out to help?
      THAT is a neighbor!

    7. What a nice video. I think you did enjoy the sauna's but I also don't like the heat so it should be nothing for me.
      How nice that Nala was enjoying the bed meanwhile 😂
      Also a beautiful sunset.
      See you both soon ❤❤❤❤

    8. Très intéressante la vidéo sur le sauna et les infos sur les différents soins
      Je n'ai jamais eu l occasion d y aller
      Nala est toujours magnifique et en pleine forme grâce à vous Dean
      Vous êtes au petit soin pour elle
      Elle est chouchouter ❤❤😢

    9. Здравствуйте Дин и Нала . Решила написать вам , потому что мне очень хочется высказать свою благодарность Вам за Ваши видео , за книгу (с неё и началось моё знакомсво с Вами ).
      Я очень люблю кошек ВСЕХ видов и размеров , это долгая история , мне уже 60 лет , но у нас в семье в данный момент живёт семья пушистиков : папа-кот , мама-кошка и сын-кот . Поэтому случайно мне попалась Ваша книга , прочитав её в этом 2024 году , я попробовала найти Вас на Ютьюбе … и ура ! Мне опять повезло . До сих пор ещё не досмотрела все видео от 2018 года , где нет перевода титров на русском языке …
      Но мне всё понятно , т.к. я же прочла книгу , а теперь просто всё это смотрю глазами на экране . Это так здорово , сопереживать и как бы проживать вместе с вами , то , что читала и смотрю .
      Много хочется написать , но всё не выссказать .
      Да , интересно , Дин , Вы сказали про русскую баню : висят растения на стене – это так мило , видимо это веники , которыми мы , русские паримся в бане 😉 …
      Удачи Вам , пусть всё будет хорошо и все будут живы и здоровы 🙏🏻
      Привет большой всем подписчикам , а особенно Нале и Дину из сибирского города Красноярск от сибиряков и от моих котеек : Васи , Ляси и Тишки (жаль , что тут нет возможности показать их фото , они такие у меня классные )
      Берегите себя и своих близких , а главное всех живых существ на нашей матушке Земле ❤
      Как же хочется , что бы все жили мирно и в любви .

    10. oh gosh what a beautiful time! that spa was amazing and you and Queen Nala topped it off with a fabulous secluded beach! i was with yall in spirit! such a lovely time!! God bless you both and a beautiful shout out to that wonderful gentleman that helped you out on Nessie! fabulous video as usual Dean! Your videos are a treat!!! sending you guys love from Atlanta GA, USA

    11. Nala looks so much like my guy, Zack the Cat (yes, we actually call him that just like you say, "Come on Nala".) In Texas, US, we have a TNSR program where feral or homeless cats are trapped, neutered or spayed, them released into safe areas. Their ears are clipped so people know they are part of the program. That is how we got Zack the Cat. He was released close to where we live. Took us 2 years to get him to a full time house cat.

    12. Beautiful spa! And brilliant follower who helped you get Nessie started! (And getting one of those charger boxes is a wonderful idea!)
      Social media and the internet can do good things – you're living proof, bringing this online community together. As always, thanks for posting Dean!

    13. Hello Dean and Nala❤
      It was a Joy again watching your new Video.Nala is such a Sweetypie and the Connection you have to each other is sooo very special.Stay save Dean.Sending hugs.Rita❤

    14. Just finished reading you're beautiful story about you and Nalas' journeys so far. This is definitely a book I will read more than one time. Hopefully we will see another book with beautiful stories of how your journey continues. You're beautiful story brought me to tears and laughter. When a book brings such emotions, that to me is a great book. ❤❤❤

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