The final day of the Cumbria Way was once again, glorious weather… we couldn’t quite believe our luck. With past experience of sodden Pennine and Nomad’s Way washouts I felt I’d cheated the system. It would be all downhill from here and we were ready. With a stop at Dunston booked in for lunch we head out with a spring in our step. The sleep in the glamping pod had been just fine and we set out to finish the job. With stretches in woodland, farmland and a long stretch along the River Caldew, it was beautiful up to the last couple of miles, where it became less scenic and more industrial. That aside, we were happy to reach the finish having had little rain to worry about all trip, not to mention minimal injuries on the knees and feet well intact with minimal blisters to think of. We had a blast!

    um yeah maybe there was a reason that this route was sh look at that for a land slip right that still hasn’t been fixed and I don’t foresee it being done anytime soon [Music] n [Music] I’m living the H life I’m [Music] living start of day five just finishing up our little cabin here today we go from here which is hesk New Market to carile it’s about 14 15 Mile so yeah it’s all pretty much downhill Happy Days A Down be right goodbye H New Market nice little village this yeah just entering the village here now as we leave but check these out we we hi them up yesterday look at them for gaffs that’s the cramp up over there that we went yesterday so of course kind I have somewhere down here well 15 M away of course little [Applause] church there it is in blue well not in blue the scien is but yeah old Crown there a Cooperative owned PB the first one in Britain apparently following that stay in HK new market we’ve got to try to get back onto cumri away path so it requires going through some quieter public foot pass to get to where we need to be no bother though bit of a wooded and Stu yeah another great day for it what a beautiful day on the bed yeah there just something that that blue sky does to your morale like yeah love it B the blue sky this must be it then this is what river called yeah so apparently we track this most way back now it’s pretty deep there right yeah there a bit is it yeah um yeah maybe there was a reason that this route was sure check this out guys wo like that’s the look at that for a lands slip right managed to Rambo it over that Landslide we had been told yesterday that there was a diversion for that bit but because we went to huit New Market rather than colbeck we didn’t come across the the version until we were entering the restricted access but the restricted access time had lapsed so we assumed oh we’ll give it a go anyway but that still hasn’t been fixed I don’t foresee it being done anytime soon not the state that it’s in but we’ve navigated anyway onward yeah guys so this is what it said it was other end as well this section and as you can see they said they were going to update this date for a further six month temporary closure but you haven’t been updated so Denton side Woods never we get it anyway I mean it wouldn’t take a long to fix that off no [Applause] no what type of road is it eight miles [Applause] remaining there a black might say what it is ah good Shout yeah The Bishop’s Palace Bishops of car oh checky little break time look at the views oh yes still great Harvest Time apparently lious School huh this is nice thing get to dolon come on waiting for that lunch stop get to dolon Lad Bing away now guys only about 5 and a half to go not quite at dolon yet we will be soon Pung and the smell of a bit Muk spreading up God permeates the nostrils so rotten anyway oh Pit Stop pit stop at Bridge end you know well sty livei crow grow we’ve made it to dlon guys now to work out where we’re going to have our lunch stop all right first stop [Music] Co-op we found the calf at dlon and they’ve got this lovely little Sun Garden in back oh absolutely beautiful in it here dude Happy Days oh good stay of it well pruned all little flowers out in that all right it comes highly recommended the Country Kitchen calf in dolon De food good hospitality and service best chips in town I’m not wrong yeah according to all reports it’s quite un Scenic from now on but hey would be da not to see it off onward but it’s almost like walking on a top path is it yeah yeah yeah it’s it is a little bit of a barring ending but it is what it is it’s been lovely anyway been struggling with air fever the old favorite the oxy metazine or xylometazoline forget about it this sorts you right out pen ultimate stop before the end get in TR High if you P for that you’re work engineering here guys yeah it’s come down from there a full-on section of Road Bridge all right last breather before the last Mile in get in it’s a hot one it’s a hot one guys it’s absolutely roasting we have fallen so lucky this week look at the state of it it’s absolutely beaming it down in car oh right I couldn’t tell you if this is Iconic of carile or not very distinct run of terrorist houses on a Bend we’re here anyway back at station carow Castle you mean at the NAT West yeah yeah oh yeah oh stay with me guys stay with me stay with me Guys open the gates ma come on guys come on yeah we’ll be clipping this clip no doubt I’m stopping to watch this is it right yeah this is it mate got to go and touch it you know fin that’s we’ve done it guys we made it yes Victory want me get in what am I supposed to do I’m lonely here without you all these things are ping by [Music] standing there living your life I’m broken here alone where I go wrong living the H [Music] life I’m living a h life f [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I’m believeing the H [Music] life I’m living the H life [Music] [Music] what am I supposed to do I’m lonely here without you all these face are passing by standing you living your life I’m broken here alone ready did I go wrong living the H life I’m living a h life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] by I [Music]

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