Leaving our campground in Saint Brevin, we follow La Vélodyssée, or Eurovelo 1, cycling down the coast. We ride along the beautiful coast of the Bay of Biscay through such enchanted seaside towns as Pornic, La Bernerie en Retz, and La Barre De Monts, and also get our first ride through some of the salt marshes of this gorgeous area. What a beautiful addition to our bike tour of France!


    Accordion and Glockenspiel Comedy – JK Productions
    Pond Five
    a href=”https://www.pond5.com/royalty-free-music/item/81716572-accordion-and-glockenspiel-comedy-short-version”Stock Music/a provided by JK_Production, from a href=“https://www.pond5.com/”Pond5/a

    Coffee Shop Date – Jaydan Talley
    Epidemic Sound

    Cape Verdean Sun – Medite
    Epidemic Sound

    Ocean Breeze – Timothy Infinite
    Epidemic Sound


    1. Once sunflowers have died back completely and the backs of the blooms are brown, it's time to harvest. Some of the trails look so questionable that I would be seriously wondering if I'd be left with nowhere to go. À bientôt, mes amis.

    2. That was lovely. Some of the coastal towns reminded me of places in Devon and Cornwall in the south of the UK. Nice ride guys. JP

    3. Irish blessing: …May the wind be always at your back
      May the sun shine warm upon your face
      The rains fall soft upon your fields…

    4. Bonjour !
      Such a pleasure to visit France in your company.
      i.e. the camping and owners speaking french only, that’s a drawback of the beginning and end of the season, bilingual and trilingual, even, students and seasonal reception staff is gone at this time of the year.
      As are most of the international visitors.

    5. We discovered your channel a couple weeks ago and have been binging all your vlogs!! We are so happy that we found you guys. Both of you are so inspiring! 🤩
      Thank you for sharing your world!!

    6. Hello, Another wonderful video! I love the narrow streets. I remember walking them when I was in France…a nice place to ride a bike. 
      An answer to a question about the sunflowers. In ND we grow them and they do not harvest them until Autumn when they are brown and dead looking.
      Lovely dress, and it looked great for riding a bike.
      Enjoying your journey,
      Carmen from Fargo

    7. Hello Roland and Juliana! I had the pleasure of meeting you two at an Italian restaurant during a lunch stop on the Via Rhona. I was riding a recumbent. We met a few more times heading north towards Lyon. I regret not rendezvousing in Lyon. I look forward to seeing your videos. They look great!

    8. I'm amazed by how much pleasure I'm getting from your ride although I've travelled your route many times. It's a day ride from where we live and out of season it's where we head for. Pornic is a delightful village and in summer many events are held in the harbour. The countryside is very flat so no hill climbing but Oh the wind! An hour or two pedalling into it is real hard work.
      I had a real chuckle when I saw the shot of the pedestrian bridge your route suggested you took. Years back I used google maps to plan my routes and it wanted to take me over that same bridge. Unlike you and being an old fool I did just that! I now go your way.
      It's nice to cycle along the sea but there is little memorable about the seaside towns along the way but the views out to the sea make up for it.
      The first time I rode past those wind generators was a big surprise, I never realised how big they are.
      Thanks for sharing your trip.
      PS Tell Julianna my wife likes the dress.😍

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