My journey to Nordkapp.

    Nordkapp is Europe’s northernmost point, in one of the most beautiful countries on earth: Norway.

    On the 10th of June I arrived in Oslo with my bike and all the gear I’ll need for the next two months. Because on the 11th of June I depart Oslo with nothing but my bike and gear. No accommodations booked, no plan for the first day. I didn’t know anyone in Norway. But my bike packing adventure began.

    When I started I was only thinking about the challenge of making this many kilometres per day. I thought that cycling would be the most memorable part of the trip.

    I was wrong..

    It’s all the memories you make with people around you, together you’ll get through highs and lows. Don’t get me wrong, I love being alone, I love cycling alone and I love choosing my own path.

    However the moments I enjoyed the most are not the ones reaching a milestone, heck even reaching Nordkapp wasn’t the most memorable thing. It’s the friends you make along the way.

    Norway is the most beautiful country I have ever visited. In Norway I was never bored. After every turn, mountain or tunnel you just never know what to expect, but it’s probably gonna be amazing.

    Thanks to all the people I met, you made this trip memorable. I hope we can meet again! ❤️

    4255 km in 49 days plus 2 rest days

    My trips:


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