A morning spent on the cycleway from Edinburgh Roseburn area to the Haymarket area and yet on average there were only 18 cyclists on both days I filmed for 2 hours in the morning rush hour.
    It looks like its definitely value for money then at £23 million pounds for the 5 mile stretch of cycleway. Oh and they say its to encourage cycling wheeling dont know what that is unless its for prams and walking which we all do every day,
    They did not build the walking part of it just used the pavement..


    1. Thats not the tramline from north to south . Its the tramway from north to middle . 100 % behind you with this . If that tramline gets built I am moving city . The Granton to Gilmerton line should have been the first tramline built . It would serve the population . To the airport was for the tourists and so that people would invest in the docklands and new bridge areas . We pay for it with cash and disruption so that all the people coming to the festival's that the people of Edinburgh dont even attend . This is a suburb of London . Its disgusting. Only country to find oil and gas but be so poor . Apart from communist countries of course . probably parallel with them

    2. Go for a walk around the meadows with your kids and dog . The roads have cycle paths and you also have cycle paths that are for both walking and cycling . Who think they have right of way ? They do the cyclists . battled for 7 years of taking my kid to school every day and even ended up in court with an assault charge . You can get 30 mph easily on a modern bike and they come at you and your family and dogs at that speed thinking they have the law on there side . Another is this . A cyclist scratches your car accidentally whilst under or over taking . Who pays for it ? Its not them its us !! I am a cyclist and a car driver . The thing is this . Why would I cycle in the city ? Ok maybe I would take my car to somewhere say Arthurs seat for the scenery but these people are going to work or uni . Could easily walk it or bus it . There should be a rule that no cyclist should be allowed on a. the same path as a pedestrian . They are part of the Highway Code just like a car so they should be on the roads not paths . I would love to know the stats on how many people are hurt cause of cyclists every year and who pays for the bill ? would also love to know the stats on cyclists causing accidents and who picked up the damages

    3. These are shared spaces and should be marked out as such.
      I note in France that they have a max speed for the path and Scotland could do the same as your legal system is not part of Westminster.

    4. Stirling is the same. People can’t get dental and cancer treatment. 1st Minister Nikoliar Sturgeon said “if you want more dentists and doctors, tell me where to take the money from”.
      Corrupt SNP.

    5. It's true that some, although by no means all, cycle lanes are under-used. This often happens because they've been built out of political opportunism but more often because they are ill-conceived and actually make cycling more dangerous not less. In many cases traffic calming measures would me more effective.

    6. Same in Dublin. €20+M on cycle lanes, taking away traffic lanes causing chaos, pedestrians now have to
      Manoeuvre across cycle lanes with e-scooter and evils. Lunatics running things

    7. that bit of the cycle path ….. impossibly tight curves, toy-town road markings about giving way etc. I'm a cyclist, (not in Edinburgh) – I use the road. In my town (Doncaster) the pavements on t'other side of the road from the new cycle-path are just as likely to be used by people on bikes as there is NO policing of the law. It may come as a drastic surprise to viewers that the Police don't bother treading the beat or advising people on the law or even arresting wrong-doers anymore. The rash of cycle-paths is nought but virtue signalling by people who can't ride bikes. The GiveWay lines on feeder roads are now so far away from the road they enter (blocked by a footpath and a cyclepath) that there is no view up and down the major road from it (a vision splay), so a lot of nudging over too abrupt ramps while blocking bikes and pedestrians (who I believe now have ~Right-of -Way ? its a joke to placate fat people on mountain bikes who were breaking the law by using the footpath these last 20 years. Bike belong on roads, they calm the traffic and make drivers think and grow up a bit.

    8. No doubt £22M was syphoned off via dubious business practices and 'fees' ( mainly companies with family connections to the Council ) and £500K was the cost of the tarmac & labour etc. All so 7 people could ride a bike whilst looking for a job or just because they have nothing better to do, whilst 10,000+ motorists and delivery drivers are totally inconvenienced.

    9. Glasgow is worse. Car hating clowns ignore we are not London or Amsterdam spending our money on cycle lanes that are empty because we are the dark north west corner of Europe with the never ending shit weather that goes with it.

    10. I am absolutely sick of all authority, and people in councils who do whatever the hell they like. They don't seem to be accountable to anyone whosoever. 😡

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