This week on Saffy Sprocket, follow my motorcycle tour around Europe and learn how I crashed my Suzuki Sv650 motorcycle in Poland on the way to the Tatra mountains


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    1. That was hard watching you go down. Or come off, as you might say. I could tell ur adrenaline was pumping. You do the same as me when I crash. You tell yourself over and over that ur fine until you believe it. Glad you weren't hurt.

    2. Well done Saffy, you done really well coping with it as you did. You done nothing wrong other than becoming a little over confident of the speed you were at as you hit the muddy puddles, a number of things can then cause a bike to go down in that situation. And at least you were not to hurt either, and the bike I'm sure is fine.

    3. Saffi, I'm intrigued by your leg pouch / holster thing, I know you like to always wear something like that ….. why, is it comfortable and convenient or what ? Is your current one army surplus and would you recommend it over biker specific ones ? Which types have you used before ? Good luck with your trip and stay warm.

    4. Hey Saffy! Um I feel compelled to ask you or atleast let you know about brown bears in Poland, tetra mountains and Bieszczady mountains, stay safe! Accidents happen to everyone, you handled it nicely

    5. You dealt with that situation amazingly, well done. The relief when you got the bike back on its wheels was clear to see. Remember you are doing something that very few people are willing or able to do so keep up the great work.

    6. If you ride off road and don't fall off, you aren't trying hard enough, lol. Going touring, let alone camping, at this time of the year makes you a candidate for the funny farm, I would rather watch it than do it. Fair play to you, and I hope the weather stayed calm for you.

    7. That was a bit 8f a tumble and you handled it well. There will be more so don't worry lol….
      My thoughts immediately though is something that I was guilty 8f myself when I came of my Versys 1000 . I had simply too much weight high up. I now put my sleeping balls and bedding in my too box. The heavy stuff either goes across the back seat or in the bottom of the 2 side panniers. It makes a huge difference.
      Good luck Saffy though you are doing great … 😊😊😊

    8. Well done happens us all when we venture off on mucky lanes we're not used to.How tall are you?because I'm thinking an adventure bike would suit you like an xtz660 or a could have knobby tyres more suited to those lanes and you could stand up on your pegs and handle the bike much better in those conditions, adventure bikes are a taller bike too but you look tall enough to handle them with ease.I seriously think you did well there.

    9. We often donate to the air ambulance, they do a great service and had them out on a run as one of our guys had a serious accident and the trauma team onboard managed to save him.

    10. Well done Saffy, you kept yourself calm and continued on with the journey, I remember coming off mine fully loaded and trying to pick it back up as well, confidence blow a side, I was absolutely knackered trying to lift the thing 🤣

    11. Glad u and bike r ok I was knocked off feb back on 6 months later and off again with op on my wrist can’t keep a biker off . NB danger of riding if no mobile reception and on own and non off road bike , it’s more enjoyable with right tyres
      Keep up the transparent vids

    12. Swear I've dropped every bike I've ever owned, most under more mundane and clumsy circumstances than green laning half way across Europe. Well done for taking a moment and hatching a plan. Long as it's turned off and you're not hurt, it's not going to get worse…. not like it can fall any further!

    13. By now I think you've learned a few things regarding a motorcycle trip…. use a waterproof footprint between ground and tent, helps with cold penetration, a decent mattress, a down four season bag and you'll be toasty warm whatever. If your going off road make sure you've got knobblies on rather than road tyres, you lost grip and traction because of that (see Itchy boots). You were really lucky with the weather ie packing up in heavy rain would cause real problems when next night trying to pitch with all wet gear.
      Decent mountain dried prepacked meals tend to be a lot more palatable than army rations, a bit more expensive but tasty and easy to prepare.
      Two pairs of gloves a necessity plus decent fully waterproof jacket/trousers.
      I rode from Scotland across Europe to Venice, boat down the Adriatic and on to east of Athens in Greece and back to UK. Admittedly without camping but heavily organised. I would stop riding around 4pm and look online for the cheapest place to stay !
      Good on you for attempting the trip and continued enjoyment with your riding 👍

    14. First I thought you wanted to find out how farmers got to their fields, but then it looked like you also wanted to know how hunters accessed the forest, but no, you were actually looking for duck ponds. Except when you found a couple you decided to rush on through them and drop your bike! I noticed this was followed by a lot of bleeping.

    15. It's an adventure bike, it was made to be dropped. The more you ride these rural roads the more you develop your confidence and skills, you did great.

    16. Was going down the dirt track a sensible option, probably not?
      But then is riding a motorbike a sensible thing to do in the first place, the sensible thing would be to be sitting in a nice warm house, but that would be a boring life.
      This is an adventure and things go wrong, its how you deal with them that counts, you can't go to pieces, but just get on with it, which is exactly what you did, I for one am impressed with the way you did that, in similar situation I've done a lot more swearing and throwing things about before I calmed down and took stock. 😁

      Good luck with the rest of the trip and donation well earned.

    17. Great work with the recovery. Found myself in a similar situation many times, but we never learn. If you attach some paracord or thin rope to your side stand puck you can get on the bike before pulling it up. Less chance of the bike sinking into the mud. Can't wait to catch up with the rest of your trip. Looks like you're having the best of times out there. I'm planning a similar trip for next year so it's great to get some first hand tips on how to do it (definitely keeping the off road tyres fitted). 👍

    18. I know I'm a bit late commenting on this video but I just wanted to say fair play on getting the bike back up after dropping it, that must have shook you right up. Dead impressed with you and what you're doing, keep on riding 💪🤘

    19. You did amazing! terrifying on your own for sure, sometimes it's better when you're with a mate who helps by taking the piss out of you!☺

    20. Hi Saffy, telling the truth ones you enter the dirt road, I felt like riding my motorcycle right behind you.I felt very tense watching you speeding up and felt telling you, Saffy slow down, you are going to fast, watch that puddle, steer to the right and so on. But at the end you did well and since I was mentally riding behind you while watching you on YouTube, I must say sorry that I couldn't help you. Right a way, I love your giggle.
      Hope to watch your next trip soon.

    21. What an adventure. You handled yourself very well. Kudos on picking up your bike, it's amazing how much heavier a bike feels when it is on its side. Glad you were not injured. As to what happened, I suspect you lost your front wheel grip which tipped you over.

    22. Another interesting clip. So if I were to ask what do think caused your accident and what if anything would you do differently. I ponder what you woould say? I'd suggest this in future especially that yiure riding solo. Think tyres and speed. Yiur bike had road tyres and your speed was excessive. Finally, had you injured yourself seriously, you could have been there for sometime alone as well as relying on others to deal with you and a bike once found. Please dint think this as harsh criticism. I'm trying to help here as I have been helped over the years. All the best.

    23. That was mean smeary stuff – not good with road tires. Good you came up without injuries. Sometime even offroad tires will not help on that kind of road surface. Just don't panic, a dropped motorcycle is not a real catastrophe.

    24. Well recovered Saffy….but my Polish daughter in law told me that as children they were not allowed in the woods and forests…..too much WW11 ammunition etc. …..

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