Relive the final kilometer of the Stage 8 and VOLLERING Demi’s victory!

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    1. Congrats to Kasia. She took advantage of a rivals team being inadequate and scored the biggest win of her career. Even despite her team being not much of a help for her in the mountains, despite trying to help.

    2. I've been on the fence about Vollering the past few years, but today she showed her true colors with her piss poor behavior on the podium. It's not Kasia's fault she crashed, or her teammates didn't come back for her, or whatever else has her boo hooing, but a true sportsman would suck it up and at least pretend to be happy for Kasia!!!

    3. This tour should be 10 stages. The women are completely capable, and it would lower the chances of freak crashes ruining contenders chances, as they would have more stages to make up the deficit.

    4. Well done to Kasia, She had to fight all the way to the end, DV tho so close, after fallling off her bike and for some reason none of her team to help her nearly pulled it off

    5. This is the Real Victory of sum if combination: bikeing skills, leaderahip and TeamWork angainst indyvidual hard skills. Tour requires team colabiration… right team work requires righ Leader which lead the team to get the support . Final behavior confirmed those limitations.

    6. What a finish! Great stuff! Very exciting for sure! We need a longer tour with a couple more epic climbs! They are very exciting to watch!

    7. Big congrats to Kasia, an amazing tour and a well-deserved win. Big congratulations also to SD Worx for securing 2nd place for Demi. It was a real team effort – Demi would never have finished second but for the "help" of her teammates and her tactically astute DSs. Legendary clown show!

    8. Congrats SD Worx. Demi lost the overall by 4 secs. If either Kata BV or Lorena W had been instructed to wait for their yellow jersey team leader on Stage 5, she would have won this tour… SHAME ON YOU SD WORX for sacrificing a stage win and green jersey points for the TDF Overall title. which has to be one of the most stupid tactical (or jealousy) based cycling decisions of ALL TIME! 4 seconds HOW DUMB DOES IT GET! Congrats Katia N… you are a great ambassador for cycling! Send SDW a bottle of champagne for the assist.

    9. The real winner is Vollering. Kasia won the yellow thanks to Vollerings fall which was not her fault and injuries due to this crash. That’s not a real victory because she was better. That’s pure luck.

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