So this week I’m just ranting about trail ratings.

    It seems everywhere I ride outside Germany, trails with the same ratings are much more difficult. You may think it is not a big deal, but it really is. I believe it can lead to a false sense of skill and cause injuries for German riders that are traveling riding outside of Germany for the first time. I mean, there is nothing an old man with a tiny YouTube channel can change about it, but I thought I would rant about it anyways. If one rider watches this video, and is able to avoid injury because of it, I will be more than satisfied.

    I’ll have some better content coming out soon. I might get some more shorts and a Raw Vid up throughout the week. Stay tuned!

    If you haven’t subscribed yet… Please do. Help an old man out! 😉

    See you all again soon!!

    Dave Out!!!

    #vittoriatires #insta360 #rockshox #srammtb #mtb4life #lakebike

    1 Comment

    1. This is by no means just a Germany thing, I rather think it's a mountain-country vs flat-country thing. Or even mountain-region vs. flat-region.
      Some blue trails in western Norway might be classified as black if they were located in eastern Sweden.
      Is this good? No – but kind of inevitable, else some regions would have only green and blue trails or other regions would have only black trails!
      Every MTB rider must know that they need to adjust their expectation to the local difficulty baseline.

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