Thinking of moving to Spain? It’s not for everyone!

    You might wanna watch this video before you make your decision, because I’m bringing you the hard facts and reality of relocating to the sunny, Southern European nation!

    Spain is perceived by many expats and would-be expats as a sunny paradise with simple living. It can be pretty enticing to think about this country as a potential home. If you come from a country where everything is pricey and you spend little to no time with your family owing to work commitments, the Mediterranean and laid-back lifestyle, world-class Spanish food, and even the traditional siesta look like a dream to you.

    But take it from me, today’s Spain is far from this dream!

    It’ll surprise you to know that it’s undergone major changes. This is not the country you can choose for a laid back lifestyle.
    Surprise, surprise: living in Spain is a lot different than vacationing there! It’s a huge reason why a large number of expats end up moving back.

    #spain #lifeinspain #livinginspain

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    1. This dude offers ZERO stats to back up his claim… sounds like a disgruntled former immigrant (I hate that they call themselves expats.. bro you're an immigrant)….oh well biased opinions are biased

    2. My husband and I are retiring to Spain from the US. We bought a beautiful home no problem! Life if wonderful and people still work to live and don't live to work…like Americans😮

    3. Overall living in Spain is a good option. Universal health care, along with prompt sick financial assistance, are a wonderful things which make Spaniards and permanent residents safe from destitution inn case of illness. Food is healthier, cheaper and tastier. The streets are full of life, going out to sit on a terrace for a tapas meal is wide spread, not true that Spaniards can't afford street bars, it is part of their lives. Finding an appealing apartment in main cities can be a challenge, that is no different to any other place, as nice ones can be very expensive and out of the reach of average salaries, unless it is shared or in a relationship with shared expenses. But if you can live in the coast, you can find nice places with terraces quite reasonable and have a good quality of life. This video is not being fair with Spanish life.

    4. Many of your remarks are just dead wrong – Spain has one of the best infrastructures in the world. Judging by your accent, you're an American. The USA for instance can only dream of the road and railway quality that Spain has, not to mention public transit which is pretty much non-existant in much of the US.

    5. Trust me everywhere, it’s the same shit because of you all in European Union this wonder fucking land she fucked up Europe! She needs to leave and also this Biden needs to be gone he manipulated European Union!(brainwashed)

    6. I’m Swiss and live in the USA since several years. I’m so done with this country! I’m in the middle of organizing a move to Spain. Spain will be paradise, compared to the US. I can’t wait to move back to safer and more civilized Europe again!

    7. Please people don’t waste your time with this video, it’s clearly Ai generated garbage, you’re better off watching videos of people who are actual humans and talk in detail about their experiences actually living in Spain as foreigners.

    8. What a load of crap. Brought to you by 'know nothing and make it up' that well known anti-European gang of no hopers. And just a side note if you move to another country to live that means you become an immigrant. Not an expat which is a very British example of denial since 'immigrant' sounds so undesirable.

    9. I lived in Spain for 7 years (Madrid, Granada, Malaga, and traveled extensively within Spain). Unfortunately, I strongly agree with the points made in this video. Having lived in 37 cities across 9 countries around the world, Spain is the only country where I wouldn't want to live again for many reasons. However, as a tourist, Spain is fabulous, and I would always return. I'm just happy not to be a resident anymore and involved in the Spanish system. That said, if you're from a country with more challenges, Spain might still be a good place to live.

    10. I plan to move to Spain to work at a teacher and study language. Right now,
      I am getting my Master's in ESL and Spanish. Do you think I might be alright?

    11. Hahahah i love the fact he said they might work 40 plus hours a week, my average weekly is 60 plus hours a week and im salary here in America.

    12. Such a contradiction the unemployment figure!. Thousands of expats coming daily from Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia and South America and they find a job right away specially in trade. Plumbers, electricians, welders, handymen etc. They can make a very good living in Spain. Many professionals move to other European countries to learn a language and have an international experience and later come back to Spain to get a much better paying job because most of the Spanish companies want to export abroad. The infrastructure is second to none like the public transportation, food, architecture, healthcare, ambiance, work/leisure balance. I live in Orange County, California and apart for the job opportunities and bureaucracy (It is getting bad in California too) I honestly don't see anything else that the USA is better than Spain in my daily life. Of course, Spain has many things to improve but if you look around other countries it is not so bad.

    13. I don't know what are you talking about! I am from Spain, Seville. I lived and worked in USA for 7 years, went back to Spain and now living in Berlin. The only thing I give you about all that crap you said is how is working in Spain. Long hours, bad management and one thing that is the reason that I had to move out Spain, workers older than 45 years old are dead in the water. Besides that, infrastructure, Telecommunication and healthcare are one of the best in Europe, specially compare healthcare with USA. If you get sick in USA you are fucked! Literally. So, I don't know what are you sources but probably you need to dig a little bit more or travelling more.

    14. Better if all the "expats" leaves the country, we don't need arrogant cunts that come here just to force their culture and language in other countries by pushing a new apartheid, you have your own bars, your own schools, your own cinemas and your own neighbourhoods. And then when you go shopping and see that nobody understand you, you get all angry and treat us like idiots. You're so arrogant that you call yourself "expats" instead of immigrants, maybe you're too cool, rich and white to call yourself immigrants. Do us a favour and try to integrate to the local population instead of creating more segregation. We Spain are sick of immigrants trying to push their culture here, enough with brits, muslims and gypsies.

    15. Although it might sound straight forward, everything described here is true, Spain is a very difficult place to adapt in case you want to have a career or build your way up, because of everything that was mentioned in the video,a simple google on expat community's sites will reveal the same problems here,Spain is an amazing place to live if you retire or if you are a digital nomad and you work and income dosen't depend on the country no doubt

    16. Judging by the way you pronounce the names of the Spanish cities, you've probably never spoken Spanish. Well, with this mindset you better leave Europe, because with only english you won't get far here. You should learn the local language wherever you go. This is very true, especially in Europe. Maybe you should go back to your homeland and stay there counting taxes and your never-will-be-enough salary. Spain is a wonderful country and living here is nearly or fully perfect for most Europeans. Maybe this place is not for you greedy 'Muricans, but more for us, cultured and vivid Europeans.

    17. Expat living in Spain for 2+ years (previously lived in England and Denmark). Agree with everything basically, looking for a different place to live right now.

    18. The only negative thing for me is high taxes on everything !!!! I'm retired and I don't want that Spain would tax me on my private portfolio, Union Pension and my SSA and so on…..then I'm left with a little money for me and my wife who is soon to be retied ………

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