1. When has Christianity been a hate crime? When people complain why aren’t they told that they are allowed. I wonder how many people complain about the Muslims wailing on London Bridge?

    2. Outrageous but why do we stand for this tripe we deserve the circus we vote for , hope the Labour Party voters are feeling the gravity of what they have done bloody idiots all !

    3. I live in East London, if go to Stratford E15. Outside the station you will Always see somebody with a P/A speaker and a Microphone Ranting about Other religions . I never take any notice but it does seem a little one sided .

    4. Disgraceful treatment of that Christian Preacher. The police should be prosecuted for that. But look at how they let Muslims shout as loud as they like and partially block peoples' path. They are even allowed to block roads to kneel and pray. Yes, it is definitely 2-tier policing which 2-tier Keir loves. How can those police be proud of their job when it appears, to me, to be so blatently anti Christian and Anti British?

    5. Let me list last five years, motorbike stolen car damaged tools robbed , bike robbed , and threatened with a knife by crazy black women for making noise working. zero arrests got some crime numbers though nice

    6. Mr British Stand, where are you from in the UK? I'm trying to place the accent, but the only thing I pick up is a slight South African or white Zimbabwe twang.

      No doubt you will surprise me and reveal you are from deepest, darkest Lancashire and have had extensive elocution lessons. From a South African.

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