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    — BREAK —
    After more than two years on the Defensive, Ukrainian forces have flipped the script, pouring over the Russian border and seizing control of more than 1,000 square kilometers of territory in just less than a week.

    And unlike in Ukraine’s previous and usually short-lived raids across the border, this time, Ukrainian forces are settling in for a fight, fortifying defensive positions throughout the occupied Kursk region in what Ukrainian officials are calling a “buffer zone” to protect against continued airstrikes launched into Ukraine from the area.

    Let’s talk about how they pulled this surprise offensive off… And what comes next.

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    Ukraine’s invasion of Russia is erasing Vladimir Putin’s last red lines



    1. Putin was already running up against harsh economic conditions as far as continuing the war. Losing what will soon be 2k square kilometers of Russian home territory is going to shorten Putin’s ability to continue military operations considerably.

    2. It’s the same old problem ….decrepit. Russia is the laughingstock of the world. Be there no doubt – Russia is dangerous, but from the lowest rank to the highest they are it’s extremely corrupt. Putin could soon be replaced…. that’s his biggest fear.

    3. ukraine still losing. And again America will be embarresed on the world stage. the world dont listen to America no more. the middle east is going to attack they say they are not affraid of the Americans. why?? because we dont do sht no more.. our troops were attacked twice in 3 weeks in iraq and NOTHING WAS DONE….

    4. I believe this the literal expression of “counting your chickens before they hatch”
      Reports from today alone show that they attack has completely halted and Ukraine has lost tons of assets including the scarce himars and patriot systems.
      This paired with the steamrolling happening in the south means that Ukraine is in its death throws.

    5. Saying Ukraine is invading Russia is like saying the gnat is beating up on an elephant. The gnat can make its life uncomfortable, it may even drive it damn near crazy…. but when that elephant says: ‘we’re f’ing done’…. trust and believe…. it’s done.

    6. Russia is nothing more than a wonna be bully you smell that Russia 💩💩💩 yeah what you smell like when running from Ukraine SLAVA UKRAINI HEROYAM SLAVA 🔱🇧🇧🇵🇷🇺🇲🙏🏼

    7. I don’t think you can under estimate the impact this has on a dictator. Why do you think wagner’s boss’s plane was shot down? Putin’s entire regime depends on oppression and a strongman mentality. Anyone who goes counter to that ends up dead…but if you get some scrappy Ukrainians in there giving ol pooter the middle finger you know it eats him up. Not only is it a bruise to his ego, but a calling of his bluff.

    8. Wow. This maneuver was much more complex and extensive than I previously thought. The logistics and networks used to accomplish this task is also quite fascinating.

    9. Clearly Ukraine has not learned from history. Or they'd have known Russia would pull them into a drawn out war of attrition. They should probably talk to Napoleon and Hitler too to find out what happens to anyone who invades Russia

    10. Reminds me of the Doolittle raid in 1942 when we sent a flight of B25 to bomb Tokyo which was viewed as a major morale boost for the US and demonstrated to the Emperor of Japan and the people of Japan that they were not untouchable.

    11. Thanks again for your entertaining and informative video.

      Well for students of history here is an observation I spotted today:

      When video footage of the Ukrainian incursion into Russia’s Kursk region began appearing on social media, a joke started doing the rounds with Vladimir Putin asking Stalin what he should do about the German tanks rolling towards Kursk.

      Stalin’s ghost responds that the recipe for victory is simple: send the best Ukrainian divisions into battle, like he did in 1943, and then ask the Americans for tanks and money. Of course neither of these options is available to Putin.

    12. Going to prison for donating $51 to a charity happened in Russia and Canada also.Why is defending the Ukrainian border prioritized over defending the U.S. border?

    13. Lol at all the Ukraine Simps. At what point does Russia get tired of playing nice and turns Ukraine into the Sun? No Western power is going to stick their nose between Ukraine and Russian nukes.

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