After Simon (just about) survived the famous cobbles roads in Northern France, Nico and Simon continue their journey to Champagne, where none other than Greg LeMond is waiting to greet them.

    Their reward for taking on this mammoth ride? A weekend of riding, dining and relaxation in the Champagne region. Sit back, relax and discover what Legendary Joyriding is all about.

    The Road To Champagne chronicles Nico Roche & Simon Hooper’s cycling journey from the South of the UK to Champagne in the North East of France. They’ll ride and drive 485km* together, with assistance from LeBlanq’s assistant DS Laura Senior, as they tackle winding lanes, steep bergs, and challenging conditions on the way to their final destination; The Avenue De Champagne – where they meet a very special guest; 3x Tour de France winner Greg Lemond.

    We believe in rewarding life’s hard work with unapologetically indulgent weekends of eating, drinking and riding. Think like us? Join us on one of our trips and discover some of Europe’s most beautiful cycling and culinary destinations.

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