Hello! I am looking to go on my first proper bike tour next spring where I plan on cycling from copenhagen to portugal. Im currently looking for a bicycle and am operating on a bit of a budget. Whilst browsing I found this bicycle which I am now considering for the trip. I am however a bit scared since the bike has been ridden a lot ( 10 000 km at least). Is this a problem even if the bike frame is made of steel?


    by Fun-Needleworker-268


    1. Professional-Error-3 on

      You’ll be fine. Bike looks sweet. If anything needs fixing there’ll be lots of options to do so along the way. Good luck!

    2. Cycle-Tourist on

      I still own a Dawes.Super Galaxy 2005 that I bought second hand and have done over 20,000km on. For long distance touring there is good reason that most people still use steel.

      The frame will last forever, the issue is the quality of other parts, including wheels and groupset. Worth noting as well that this bike uses an old gearing system that isn’t as easily used as modern bikes. That bike certainly isn’t worth close to what they’re suggesting.

    3. VacationCautious4687 on

      Why this cycle though? If I got the currency exchange correct, that’s almost 800 Euros? It looks nice for sure, but why risk touring on this at the price?

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