A teenager seen “celebrating” after throwing a rock at a police officer during riots in Darlington has been jailed for 18 months.

    Cole Stewart, 18, joined a group of about 30 people outside a mosque on August 5 chanting racist and far Right slogans, Teesside Crown Court heard.

    Stewart was seen breaking a large boulder into smaller rocks and throwing them towards officers, earning him an 18-month sentence in a young offenders’ institution.

    #southport #riots #darlington

    Read more: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/08/12/uk-riots-starmer-court-sentencing-southport/


    1. All that bravery but it is not is fault …Andrew Tate is his inspiration and he got pumped by his and Farage speech on immigration truly sad …Where are they now?

    2. So what i noticed when stuff like this is going on we had a school fire where i live and obviously the hole niebhorhood came out to watch it what i seen was a dozen police officials with cameras not recording the fire but recording us the crowd thats how they are catching these folk

    3. well he needs to grow up……………………. and maybe many should as well………………..its very sad all of this…………….i understand the stress of the british,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and the uk………………… may peace come on through.

    4. Far Right protestor? No.
      Rioting thug? Yes! Lock him up.
      Will the Telegraph STOP labelling these morons as some sort of organised political group, because they're not! 😮

    5. 英国是人类的希望,自由民主的灯塔。我们可以把香港的精神传播到英国。占领议会,火烧警局,堵塞交通,打倒国王。如果有警察使用暴力,香港法官一定可以判他个七年

    6. What has happened to the beautiful country of england ,there is so much turmoil and unrest everywhere, the british people are frustrated,feeling insecure, the police are on their toes,frustrated and angry,and they have to bear the brunt of everything,why did this unfortunate, dangerous situation have to happen to a peaceful country, why did they bring this situation upon themselves.

    7. In all fairness he was asking to be arrested for doing that. What angers me is that there is a 2 teir system in place & the obvious unfairness. Anybody who committed a crime or violence should be arrested & charged, no matter the colour of their skin or their religion or race… #End2TierSystem

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