Ukraine says its troops have advanced further into Russian territory, up to two kilometers in the Kursk region since early on Wednesday. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy says his government has discussed setting up a military administration in Kursk to allow the evacuation of civilians. Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko wrote on Telegram that Kyiv is creating a buffer zone to protect its border communities from shelling.

    Ukraine’s military has imposed movement restrictions in Ukraine’s Sumy region, which borders Kursk. Military authorities say this is because of intense fighting in the area, and the growing presence of Russian reconnaissance and sabotage units.


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    1. Tiếng Việt sau nầy; bây giờ là tiếng Anh.

      The main purpose of this Ukrainian attack into Russia is MONEY + MONEY + PROFIT.

      Ukraine would need at least 200.000 troops attacking Russia on many fronts if it hopes to make a significant change to its current grim situation.

      With only a few thousand troops in a pocket on Russian territory, the Ukrainians would soon all perish, or surrender.

      Maybe the real purpose of this Ukrainian suicidal attack is to draw NATO troops into the war.

      => Larger war, more soldiers => More profit for the US coorporate owners' war-making business of selling ammunitions and guns, bonbs and tanks, military hats and boots, …. plus LNG (replacing Russia's) and wheat (replacing Ukraine's), plus Ukraine's signing debt papers non-stop, plus Ukraine selling its land and assets on the cheap, ….

      That is, more profit for the US thousand-billion-dollar business.

    2. Wait till Ukraine learns what happened to the French Empire and third reich when they invaded Russia. Russia has bad offensive but historically great defenses.

    3. Do not forget that there has not yet been complete mobilization in Russia. But if the Ukrainians do not calm down, then any self-respecting man will go to defend his homeland. And there are many of them in Russia, believe me. These are not those who drink strawberry lattes and go to gay parades.

    4. Russia’s Army is stretched too thinly, they cannot sustain their war efforts much longer, their loses & cost is too great! It’s just a matter of time now before Russia’s economy collapses, they cannot continue.

    5. Neo: I just had a little deja vu.
      Trinity: Deja vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something.

      "On 12 March 2024, Ukrainian-backed armed groups entered the territory of Belgorod and Kursk Oblasts in Russia from the territory of Ukraine."

    6. They actually managed to get a politician on the line who was fairly reasonable. Many of them just babble soundbites and ignore the questions. (Can't blame the politicians for that, that's how the game is played. It's just not something I want to watch.)

    7. Ukraine is fighting for its own survival and Russia is definitely gonna learn in the hard way because Ukrainians are warriors and they don't joke when it comes to fighting an enemy. You can as well comfirm these fact from their boxing champ. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦

    8. Buffer zone ? 😂😂😂
      Wiithin one month senario will be change gradually. Russia is big country. Enter into Russia with gun are very easy but escae are very difficult. Run supply line by Ukraine are very difficult. Already lost to much western valuable assets.
      Russia have get great chance to rapid advance in other frontline. 7:54

    9. fun fact, if Russia uses a nuke it's like Putin would admit that Ukrain beat him… Russia is the dude that challenges you to a Judo match but hides a gun in case…

    10. Buffer Zone: The ironic part of Ukraine‘s claim of Kursk as a buffer zone, is that, historically, Moscow has wanted a buffer zone since forever, since the land between Moscow and its perceived enemies is flat. The other irony of Russia‘s desire for buffer zones is that you eventually need buffer zones for your buffer zones — and you risk spreading yourself thin to protect them. Russia spends its time protecting buffer states that are supposed to be protecting them.

    11. Ukrainian forces in Kursk are numbered hahaha Russia will now have more Frontline to built while Ukrainians Forces are now outnumbered and hardware materials are short…. Ukrainian forces is in suicide mission…

    12. Here’s something to think about for the “Sullivanians”. The most hilarious paradox.
      Ukraine wasn’t allowed to use US weapons inside Ukraine? Why? We all assumed it was because of fear of escalation. Underarming Ukraine and limiting their use was what made the attack necessary.

      Ukrainian troops inside Russia? Can anyone imagine a more significant escalation?
      According to the Russian military doctrine, an enemy within the Russian borders allows the use of nuclear warheads. The use of nuclear weapons is more likely than ever – but is hasn’t happened.

      However, Ukraine is still not allowed to use long range weapons inside Russia. At this point it cannot any longer be because of fear of escalation. So, tell us why? The only red line left is a square. The Red Square.
      Tell us the truth!

    13. Sumy region can now get a break!
      Despite Russian forces withdrawing from Sumy Oblast in April, the residents were under continual Russian shelling and airstrikes. Russian forces made continued attempts at border crossings.
      May Ukrainian Forces be safe and successful in their mission.
      Slàva Ukraini!

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