1. The standard of the police today is way short of what it was back in the day. The officers were wrong to leave the van running. It could of been stolen by anyone passing. What makes it worse,they are both Sargents.

    2. This guy goes looking to antagonise police then acts like the offended party. And it's people like him who will pressure government to give police greater powers that will be used against all of us. He's a wanker.

    3. Disgusting behaviour as usual ,the police never disappoint. As soon as he realised he was being recorded his whole demeanour changed.. that is worrying .

    4. Nice way to end your shift lol.Authority corrupts it’s a fact the government breached the contact distance rules during the pandemic it’s gone on for decades one rule for the public but they forget it applies to everyone.Cameras are everywhere now people cannot lie as easily a law is a law end of it applies to everyone.The Sargent was angry because he had been challenged familiar with being in charge he lashed out nearly stitched A B up and all 3 officers would have stuck together until they realised it was a set up of sorts that A B is a recording Auditor.Ultimately it is nitpicking pushing the boundaries of civil rights but it’s frightening how fast someone’s life could be ruined by false evidence.The police are human to they make mistakes but they rarely get a mention when they put their life on the line like in the horrendous incident in Southport so we give them recognition to accept they get tired and fed up but they need to stay true to their profession to protect the public not to abuse powers when frustrated or angry.

    5. Auditing Britain? Winding up Britain and making money out of 266K channel views and civil claims you have caused? Move on fella get a life and maybe a real job?

    6. having to jump start the van is a lame excuse. what about start/stop technology? Shouldnt pod have a roadworthy vehicle?
      Parking on double yellows, unattended van, keys left in, engine running, accepting that idiot's testimony, the cuffs etc etc

    7. Thank you so much for coming to Britain and wasting our police forces time and tax payers money. Maybe do something useful and go to the areas that have serious issues with crime like the muslim communities and document that.

    8. That was FUN to watch AB
      Clearly Sergeant 1 has 'siize issues' and needs to assert himself unreasonably, I do hope you make a civil claim against him because he portrayed Police at their Worst
      Sergeant 2 must be his Juniour so didnt feel coomfortable in stopping him digging his hole deeper……EGO is Wrecking the Relationship between Police and Public so Civil Case Justified

    9. Hard work….looool, aaaall that hard work fetching bicycles looooool, he should spend a day as a bricker like me and Ill show this muppet cop hard work.

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