In a back-and-forth call, James O’Brien dissects caller Aaron’s defence of far-right leaders and his reasoning behind the recent riots in the UK.

    Despite riots spreading across the UK last week and continuing to affect more areas, Aaron remains adamant that far-right leaders are not ‘inciting violence.’

    In response, James questions why falsehoods were spread about the religion of the Southport killer and why so many misleading narratives about the impact of migrants have been perpetuated.

    ‘You were wrong about immigration, you were wrong about incitement, wrong about the rioters. Everything you’ve said has been wrong,’ James concludes.

    Listen to the full show on Global Player:

    #jamesobrien #riots #LBC #crime #police

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    1. Field-Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck, Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army from 1942 asserted that the British "couldn't have come through both World War I and II if they hadn't had the Indian Army!!

    2. When they tell a lie and believe in it 😅.. riots won't listen to facts because they know already it's a perfect excuse for what they've done so far..😂 thanks for exposing the lies bro

    3. Facts,
      1, Ratio of Asylum seekers (0.6%) of total population.
      2, Asylum seekers budget comes from World Bank, it is counted as debt on AS home country, and not Tax Payers money.
      3, AS didn't come to Britain, Britain came to them.
      4, Stop invading and bombing every single country, you will no longer spot a single Dingy on British shores.

    4. It's a shame that James didn't pick him up on his statement that they are not women an children they are fighting age men. The use of the phrase 'fighting age men' particularly riles me. Why do people use that phrase? what is the implication?
      The bandying around of that sort of inflammatory rhetoric is so commonplace that even James, who is usually quick to dive on these things, seemed to miss it.

    5. yeah you have those types in any group but its your job as being part of that group and being an individual to do your own research and not jump to conclusions that could get people hurt. the reason we are in this mess is because we love to say we are Civilized but we act the exact opposite.

    6. Why did they not seek asylum in Turkey or any other country they where in before they came to the UK? If they flee war then why not stop when they come to a peacefull country?

    7. I am a Bahamian, living in the UK, with my Bahamian family, paid for our 3-year visas over £12,000. But they still look at me like I shouldn’t be here 🤷🏾‍♀️

    8. Future of the UK after the current race riots

      Increased Political Polarization: The riots could deepen divisions in society, with rising tensions between different communities and increased support for far-right and far-left movements. This might lead to more polarized politics, with parties adopting more extreme positions to appeal to their bases.

      Economic Impact: The riots might have economic repercussions, especially if they cause significant damage to businesses and properties. This could lead to a downturn in affected areas, potentially exacerbating social and economic inequalities.

      International Perception: The UK's global image could be affected, particularly if the riots are seen as a sign of rising intolerance or instability. This could influence foreign relations, tourism, and international business.

    9. James you are lying about Tommy, you need to be honest!! That Syrian child took a knife to school and was bullying young girls. Tommy advocates peace! Stop your lying James!

    10. You apply legally by making an application to the British Home Office and you pay for your visas! If you a refugee, you apply under refugee visa! But just landing on the shores of Britain with no passport is unacceptable!

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