2024-08-10 | The Battle of Kursk hastens the downfall of Putin’s murderous regime. In a historical irony the name ‘Kursk’ bookends failure at the start of his time in office, and may signal it’s end in catastrophic failure. Is Kursk Putin’s avenging nemesis?


    Kursk – a gamble for victory

    “A surprise attack, conceived with cunning, prepared with duplicity and executed with ruthlessness, provides international history with its most melodramatic moments.” So explains Sir Lawrence Freedman in his superlative books ‘Command’ and ‘Strategy’. And Ukraine has demonstrated its command of surprise and the potential battlefield impact through its lightning advance through Russia’s Kursk oblast.

    The power of shock in warfare is to overwhelm an adversary when they are at their weakest or when they least expect it. The irony here, is that Russian hubris, and its culture of systemic lying throughout the military and political hierarchy mean they are less likely to imagine the unexpected and prepare for it. Add to this the fact Russia does not see Ukraine as sovereign, and constantly denies its agency, which means they underestimate the Ukrainian capacity for innovation and surprise time and again, to their detriment. This time assumptive and arrogant thinking may lead to total defeat.

    ‘Between countries at war, there is no border, there is only the front,’ states the Ukrainian military researcher Mykola Bielieskov. Russians have forgotten that, but the Ukrainians did not. The incursions into Kursk and now Belgorod, have achieved stunning initial success and are looking more and more like a full offensive. This shows what Ukrainians can achieve if they have both the tools and lack of restrictions in how they fight Russia.

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    1. Hannibal tormented Rome by defeating Roman armies up and down the Italian peninsula for years.
      Rome was able to win the Punic war eventually, but Romans were organized and brilliant engineers.
      Ukraine will be able to dance around in unprepared Russian territory at will for a bit, and it remains to be seen if Russia will be able to organize a defense or not.

    2. As far as respect goes, when I see the Ukrainians show their character, humor and intelligence, I cheer like it’s my team winning Olympic Gold! Respect!

    3. When we where told Ukraine would kick Russia out of Ukraine by guys like you, it turned out as nonsense. This is a last ditch effort to energize an exhausted Ukrainian Army. I am no supporter of Russia, but these Euro Centric once sided propaganda videos are getting old. What is the puprose of Kursk invasion? They want to hold land?. The tools are provided by my hard work and taxes. This is a waste of time and a Hollywood show. Let's see how the plays out in 2 weeks. Ukraine propaganda machine has lied to us over and over again. I believe nothing of either side.if you think that Russia will not throw a tactical Nuke on Ukraine you are dreaming, Like Isreal is allowed to kill Palestinians at will by the White West, so will Russia kill at will when its finds its existence in danger. You folk are dreaming.

    4. Thank you👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Jonathan for time, analysis and great explanation on military issues, Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦💪💪💪💪👍👍💪💪💪👍👍🙏🙏🙏

    5. So many pundits caught off guard! Most recently ret. Admiral Parry waffling on about stalemate and how Ukraine can't make gains. The Soviet myth of invincibility persists.

    6. Last sentence, … that question- gave me a chill
      “Is the route directly to Moscow’s Kremlin itself open to the Ukrainian army?”

      Maybe we are closer than we think …
      Thank you, Jonathan )
      Слава Україні !

    7. I saw Russian citizens interviewed near Kursk and they are surprised and confused how Ukraine do this? It showed Russians are brainwashed and believe everything Putin tells them😢

    8. But, but Sirskyy is Russian. He was educated in Moscow. His family lives near Moscow. Since you are so derisive towards Russia what say you to that? These are one and the same people. Ukrainians will fight just like the Russians. Most of their generals have attended the same schools. I'd say the Anglos have no hope of ever understanding what this is all about. In order to that they would have to remove their cultural filters. This is a Slavic Civil War just like the one in Yugoslavia back in the 90's. This in fact is a fratricide you are egging on. The saddest thing is that the Slavs fall for the western instigation each time. The outcome is tragic but predictable. Russians know they can not afford to loose. No party to this conflict will come out of it same as it went in and that includes the West.

    9. In VK I've seen many Russians speculating with the idea that there are many people in the Russian intelligence (and in the political elite) who knew what Ukraine was about to do, and let it happen because they want the fall of Putin and replace him. It's a bold theory, but it can be taken into account. Troops were gathering for months by the border, hard to believe the Russian intel didn't suspect anything.

    10. The reason for this seems obvious to me.

      What's happening in about 85 days that will greatly effect Ukraine's future?
      I'll give a hint: it's in America…in November (lol).

      It's a binary result for them. If one person wins they'll still get help. If the other person wins they'll be tossed aside like hot garbage.

      They have to behave with the belief that they have a 50% chance of being abandoned…because it's reality.

      So, why do this? You need to have something to trade if there is a negotiation. Before the incursion Ukraine could only trade their own defense. "We promise not…fight you on our land if you take what you've stolen and stop stealing more" is not a great bargaining chip.

      Having a chunk of Russian land is a massive bargaining chip. Putin cannot lose an inch of Russian land and have this be seen as a necessary positive, let alone possibly survive.
      Every inch of land Ukraine can hold is worth 5x as much as Ukrainian land in a negotiation.

      That is if Putin even wants to negotiate under any circumstance.

    11. On Russian propaganda:
      My favorite explanation of how Ukraine was able to mass an invasion force close to the border is that the Russians claimed that they had a force building behind the border to attack Ukraine so the Ukrainian force looked like it was preparing to counter attack once the Russian assault began. As there was no Russian force, the Russians saw this as a victory for their propaganda, right up until the Ukrainians crossed the border…

    12. W O W !!! Jonathan, really like the new format of these 2 reports. More please.
      Don't always have 1 hr+ for your regular interviews.
      You wove a clear & thought provoking tapistry in these episodes. Brilliant job.

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