Mohd Shah Firdaus Sahrom came within a whisker of finishing on the Olympic podium in the men’s keirin final at the Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Velodrome on Sunday (Aug 11).

    The Johor-born cyclist was in sight of a podium heading into the final bend – in third spot – when he was taken out by Shinji Nakano of Japan.




    1. Cowerd japan cyclist….
      The malaysian should get one more chance because he has bean cheated by japan.. I don’t know what the judges are doing? They just love to sleep rather then doing their job

    2. 中野選手のInstagramでマレーシア人からの誹謗中傷が相次いでる。接触の原因では無いのにも関わらず、誹謗中傷があまりに酷いせいで見ていられない



    3. Can't see very clearly. But, guys, don't fret too much la. It's not like if he didn't fall, we get gold, we are also fighting to just get a bronze. But, the other aussie guy lucky la. From last -> 3rd.

    4. Some Malaysians don't seem to understand the definitions of DNF and REL. They're even blaming Nakano for DNF, I thought Malaysians are smart people, but I have to rethink about it. I hope not all malaysians are like them.

    5. Mcm konspirasi pelumba Jepun. Pelanggaran mcm disengajakan Shinji Nakano. Mungkin sbb bila diumumkan pelumba Ota Kaya DQ, Shah Firdaus nampak berjoget excited. Mungkin cara tu buat pelumba Jepun rasa terasa. Mungkin..

    6. The native people will never develop because they blame others. Do you understand?
      Besides, they cannot understand video judgments. It's really stupid .lmao

    7. Malaysian Boycott League: Boycott Japan because we are robbed by this incident? No way, we ain't gonna boycott them because we love Aeon, Family Mart, Honda and anime despite Japan being a pro-Israeli country.

    8. To be fair Shah Firdaus did extremely well throughout the event and it ain't easy to make it into the finals.

      Either way, hopefully he will come back stronger in LA 2028 and finish the story of the elusive gold medal hunt, so do the other Malaysian athletes.

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