We’ve just returned from a week-long adventure in Kosovo. What a great country – beautiful landscapes, wonderful people, and of course an excellent TET route!
    Some things we learned:
    – TET Kosovo is the hardest, most technical track we have done to date (we’ve been to most of the Balkans, including Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia, North Macedonia, all of which are challenging but Kosovo is a level up). Not recommended for solo riders, and big bikes should have very competent riders.
    – We keep returning to the Balkans because of the landscape, big mountains, great tracks, and really friendly people everywhere. Kosovo absolutely delivers, we had perhaps the best encounters on a human level so far. Strangers welcomed us with smiles, invited us for coffees, drinks, food.
    – The TET crew in Kosovo is fantastic. Linesman Qendrim Graiçevci welcomed us personally in Pristina, and we had the opportunity to meet other crew members Kushtrim Dreshaj who has a great restaurant and hotel in the mountains, and Lili Berisha who saved our trip by sourcing a new battery for us on a Sunday in Prizren (and then invited us for lunch). Thank you guys. You are all welcome in Hungary anytime!

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