A small mix-up derails the plans of Roger Federer and Trevor Noah, leading them to the ride of a lifetime on the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland.

    Watch the two friends on their epic adventure through the stunning landscapes of Switzerland.


    About the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland: Discover all sights and landmarks Switzerland has to offer from the comfort of a train. The Grand Train Tour merges the most beautiful panoramic lines into one unique route with 11 large lakes, 5 Unesco World Heritage Sites and 1280 kilometers of magnificent view in between.

    Learn more here: https://www.myswitzerland.com/en/experiences/experience-tour/highlights-by-train-bus-and-boat/grand-train-tour-of-switzerland/


    1. And I do not believe the lies, had enough of them last year. Also I do not hate or want to upset anyone. You guys go to Russia and do whatever you consider, the war is probable to go on till 2028-2030. That is not my concern. My concern is to live without noise and not to be the cannon fodder of others, to read books and try to build my own life on my own forces. That is trully what I dream of.

    2. Is it possible to visit all cantons in one day by public transportation?
      Ideal version: out of the train in each canton, continue on different train.
      Simplified version: staying on board through canton also counts.

    3. I'm about to release a vlog about Geneva and the view of the lake from the train was probably one of the best I have ever experienced 😍

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