1. Looked like the EF rider involved with Nairo Quintana got bumped over as Nairo's front wheel some how got between his front wheel and the frame. EF rider only had left hand on the handlebars as the time. Nairo, who seemed too close and looking at the ground/feet or something, instead of ahead and around him, flicked his front wheel out, causing EF rider to his right to veer off line (luckily nobody was to his right) but the sudden release of the trapped front wheel then caused Nairo to swing to his left and hit rider on his left. As he turned his front wheel again, now hard right, he lost control of the bike. It all happened in a split-second, but YouTube speed setting of 25% enables this to be seen.

      In my opinion, this was careless and unbelievably poor handling skills by Nairo. The look on Nairo's face in the last few seconds of the video would suggest he knows he made a mistake there.

      Another EF rider hit the fallen Nairo Quintana and went over his handlebars and took a heavy landing on his back.

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