1. When willbfolk with megaphones learn you dont need to shout in fact carnt hear nowt , hevsaid come on your a dead audience who says that at such serious times , a comedienne mabey

    2. I was ladd attacked in the little car .bottles spat at tried tragg me out the car for showeing an england flagg saying united we stand rivers to seas chikdrens futures tried dragg is iut the car .so i went back with are Queen Elisabeths tern if fauth flagg and out respect they took there iranian one down so i walkied with ares side bye side till they took it down nd i took ares down .its all gud fk tommy rbindon fuck elon musk .peace man ffs chikdrens futures i even got asked i wanted cup tea .never got one its what i went for like but never mind .my frind driver yous scarred fk out him hes an invalid in wheel chair hes ma buddy how but nice see us all laff nd no violence

    3. The only racist behaviour ive seen is against white people

      The only lie and propaganda i saw was protecting far left behaviour

      Labour will be destroyed in the elections,

      Unless we have destroyed each other by then

    4. Eye wish yous wud speak geordie if your going to imagrate over hear .yous wher shouting allah akbah all a said wass fuck all tide wime.nearky goto the devided we fall bit .i mean i am the Devil just mix up .black white army .goto fuck all boosh im northumbrian all is said in northumbria allah all tinde wibme

    5. Ive never beleaved in miricles but i whitnessed one today my mates been wheelchair bound twenty years yous had him that scareed his leggs started running sbout in the care oure miricle .unbeleavable

    6. Just like the rest of the country, nothing. However, they ought to be free to gather, as should anyone. Violence is the problem that needs stopping, protests and counter protests the minority on each side become violent when they meet. Need a real gathering of unity, Christian’s, LGBT, Muslim, Jews and the most divisive of all makems and Geordies.

    7. Hope Kamala Harris gets her Mr to respond today and keeps peace bye being in Israel for us all I'm barred off face book so I carnt get message to crhistiansbmuzzlims accriss pond watch for Trump it's a cunt

    8. The west road was one of the first areas of Newcastle to be populated by Pakistani,Indian, and Bangladeshi immigrants.. There are 3rd and 4th generation families living there.. They have thrived and brought prosperity to the area. But… there is a dark undertow present, too… Those who know the area know that there is also a lot of hatred harboured there regardless of what the media and politicians say… if Newcastle does suffer rioting, the west road will be the focal point.

    9. We are fighting for or right and the baby's that got killed but settling fire to wear kids are makes us no better can't prove a point when doing the same things wear kids are BUT I understand their point keep it safe for or kids

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