1. As a Dutch person I have an opinion about this bike setup ;). No to the crate on the back. Just to high up on the bike and bags will fall out. Also no one can sit on the back now. Get permanent bike bags (Panniers?), put your shopping bags in those and pull the shopping bags out when your home. The frame on the back already make a nice guard so the bags will not go into the wheel.

    2. I hopefully will be upgrading from, but also keeping my existing manual pedal power only hybrid workhorse bike to a similar workhorse ebike.
      The basket on the rear of this bike is fine for carrying quite a few different loads but I would definitely have it fitted lengthways.
      I have got a much bigger (at least twice) plastic crate I can fit to my existing bike using my own MacGuyverisms if I need it but I prefer to use one of the various sets of single or double panniers I have, often along with items on the rear rack also. I can carry quite a lot using variations of the racks, crates and bags. I had over €50 of assorted shopping home from Lidl like this last week. Easy peas.
      But if I really want to carry a much larger load I have two bike trailers for that.
      One is a large sized dog trailer and the other an actual bike cargo trailer.
      I prefer to use the dog trailer for most shopping trips because it's completely enclosed and covered. Just load your pre packed large reusable shopping bags into it like you would into the boot of your car, zip it up and go. I've had over 70kg in it on the way home but I average between 30-50kg loads. I live 6½ kilometres from my nearest supermarket.
      And the other trailer is for carrying anything else too bulky to fit into the cabin of the dog trailer, like for instance, a full sized walk behind lawnmower or anything else. Trailers turn any bike into a real world practical alternative to a car.
      I already can do all of this with an ordinary push bike.
      If your car engine didn't have time to get warm popping down to the shops, you hardly needed an ebike but if you have the money to spare, go for it.
      An ebike for me will be to allow me to use my car even less and to do more, carry more and go further.
      Cool bike. Of course it's limited to 25 kmh in Ireland and the rest of Europe. I really think this should be increased to 30-35 kmh even if it means the bike needs to be registered.

    3. i plan on buying my first ebike but im confused. for example, if i buy an ebike from ebay, is it eligible for cycle to work scheme?

      Note: my company has cycle to work scheme

    4. why the seller is increasing the base price of the bike while choosign bike to work scheme, how much salary deductions will be there.
      I dont understand first the seller is qouting the price higher, second how can the tax savings can be made

    5. Thanks for the video. I'm a bit confused about the scheme. If I want an e bike worth 1200 is that completely paid for under the scheme or is it only the tax that's paid for on it?

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